Thursday, December 31, 2009
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Il "PUNTO" sul Consiglio Comunale del 28 settembre 2009
The sum DE LUCA that the company has stuck with the bill of attachment to the town of Giurdignano and 'equal to € 33,000.00, inclusive of capital arising (22,434.00) and any additional costs. At what 'would be added, if he loses the municipality, the fee of the lawyer who defended the town of Giurdignano.
The warnings to comply, from 2005 to 2008 reported by the company to our common DE LUCA were varied. Only after several warnings, the company has notified the court order ...
Thus, the administration has had plenty of time (5 years) to contact the firm or lawyer to resolve this litigation and avoiding the cause.
Cosi 'did not want to do.
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Dedicato a quanti ci hanno sostenuto, creduto
e continuano a credere in un nuovo grande progetto
per Giurdignano...
Grazie di Cuore.
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Alghero football was in the tournament with all three formations, winning victory in the young and junior categories. The student team was excluded from the final group for the worst goal difference. In
triangular final, the junior Massimiliano Paba have won first place at the expense dell'Olbia and Torres.
even clearer statement of the young Gigi Swimming, reached the final against Olbia after removal of the qualifying campaign, the 2000 and Torres Dolce Latte.
game without a story, which highlighted the wide gap between the two teams. The final result of 4-0 does not indicate any complaints whatsoever. Meetings have already decided midway through the first time, with the achievements of Diana and Bussu. In the second half and rounded off the scoring Faedda Satta, Alghero after which control the game by handling the ball possession in an impeccable manner.
Tourbillon di premiazioni per tutte le categorie, consegnati dalle figlie di Vanni Sanna, Michela e Antonella, e dalle autorità presenti.
Andrea Dore, capitano dei giovanissimi dell’Alghero, ha ottenuto il premio come miglior giocatore della categoria giovanissimi in coabitazione col capitano dell’Olbia, Giuseppe Fois, e il portiere dei galluresi, Alessio Fois. Riconoscimento che premia non solo il singolo giocatore, ma tutta una squadra, dal primo all’ultimo dei giocatori e dei componenti lo staff tecnico, in virtù di una coesione e di uno spirito di squadra che sta consentendo di ottenere risultati sempre più prestigiosi.
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my post This is not to be argumentative but concise, enlightening, and auspicious days in this matter which is the end of an "old" and the beginning of a new year full of expectations, dreams, hopes but also, hopefully, instructive.
I hope that 2010 years is a harbinger of peace, health, serenity, unity, transparency for all citizens of our country.
I hope with all my heart that this country will be set aside each sort of discrimination and injustice:
- I hope that after a year of use for free, in the activation and installation and monthly rental, finally begin to pay for the service for the antennas that allow connection to internet also those directors, those city employees and friends of those directors who have taken away this free service to the category of citizens who had been intended by the Region of Puglia. I hope that the administrators in the depths of their conscience, surely that they have, they understand what they were petty and inappropriate in the circumstances: we must all pay and pay in the same way.
- I hope that public works are carried out with greater care and caution (which the company works well, the engineers check well THE company that administrators monitor well the technicians and the company so that responsibility is a duty and not a word ). It is hoped that this new year the roads are paved over and can definitely be considered non-perennial subject of works, crashes and resets expensive.
- It is hoped that in this new year, finally, can be solved the problem of flooding of the square in front of the cemetery so that we can go and find our dead even when it rains with ease and dignity.
- and I hope we all hope that our administrators manage more carefully the money of the Community, given that it is the month of November to escape from the municipal coffers a sum of € 25,000.00 claimed by the company De Luca (who hired the Our common camera equipment 5 years ago and has never been paid to date; (remember that famous camera that already cost € to our fine town?), a company that has moved through an act of enforcement ). This has been and continued to be a terrible mistake that the directors should accept without delay.
- It is hoped that our beloved Giurdignano is administered with fairness, by making public, again, calls for competitions of any nature or kind, the selection for assignments and temporary and permanent (at least de facto). It is hoped that action is taken to a completely shifts in the allocation of tasks and should not always just enjoy the same privileges that few citizens would convenient to all.
- I hope you will stop putting around insults and slander against the false and foolish minority council in this country has ever raised any anonymous complaint against anyone, that if he does have to speak with open face in public square, loudly and without fear.
- I hope you look at the souls of the young people of our country, that you understand their real needs, their uncertainties, their fears, that there are limits to close under a beautiful tent colorful and festive but it comes in their eyes and look forward to their strength and enthusiasm so that they learn not to fall at the first minor difficulties but, more importantly, so that not feel alone.
- I wonder why this year the directors have waived their usual discourse in which we have always listed all the "bravado" that they had and they would do ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. maybe their hearts are started thinking, maybe they started to be an examination of conscience. I trust always a lot of human feeling and I think that everyone should possess a certain amount, however, that you pull out boldly.
- The most important thing I hope all is that you put aside rumors, slander, libel, and he knows that between us, in our community, there are no enemies to fight and / or defeat, there are people, all equally deserving of respect, to talk to, which clarified with which to walk together with mutual COMFORT giving themselves that they are necessary to live in peace, to fly high and go far.
Love, without any feeling of hatred or anger or resentment I do all my best wishes.
Monica Gravante
Thursday, December 24, 2009
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Hi everybody and thanks to all who participated in the debate on the school canteen, a little 'less with a chance to those who have only gossip against me, both in blog, which he passed the filter, either with words, always behind, also adding the personal vilification.
I therefore an end point in to share some ramblings inspired by your post, that topic for debate and commentary are my own personal goal achieved, namely to be able to speak.
For those who ignore the existence of nutrition education, explaining that this "education" tends to rediscover the natural flavors. A simple example may clarify the issue: children or at least some of these are not accustomed to eating the whole vegetables at the table when there is the soup. School canteens, like Giurdignano, are the best way to do this.
Among other things, the school director, which implements an indication of nutritional education, required that the vegetables do not whisk, the children must help to eat foods as they are. And yet ... the mothers have complained!
then rises a doubt
nutrition education must move elsewhere?
I addressed the issue of nutrition education, starting from my personal observation, I noticed that many children and sometimes even more so children, discard the plate peeled tomatoes, parsley and whatever .... I will have done something wrong ...?! But what the heck, if one makes an observation is because there has been some ideas! But just to criticize
to climb into the chair, such as' Anonymous, 22 November 2009 14:14, to which I say:
is thanks to the presence of Tanino as a cook who can improve service and implement improvements.
repeat that personally I have nothing to complain about the service table played so far. As claimed by the school director who Persistence wins, and if the moms will support a line educational food at home, in the home, we will have some children prone to eat the right and correctly and in line with where they live.
It 's true, Ada, do not limit ourselves to feed the children, we also make a speech of nutrition education with an approach to our cultural roots, and by the way who is in the kitchen would be very happy and avoid throwing out entire course of cheese. She canteen operators, I am sure, will want to be involved on the project, having also a director who gives specific indications. On
private interests do not know the question,
dear Anonymous, 22 November 2009 14:16,
and I repeat, like you, a word to the wise.
But if you're referring to the heading, turning and carry:
"soon there will be a cooperative external to the canteen"
then the thing I need from the administrative point of view.
Then explain to me, it screams at me to draw attention to any "disagreement" with the current operator and then the service would give the outside?
thank XL on 22 November 2009 14:34, and I'm wide open to engage in arguments that have been discussed, the substance of competence in a dish that I know Tanino B. and his family for many years and I know how much passion puts us in his work.
intervention Gilbert I found it interesting and tells us about health issues, which I have not mentioned, but I believe that the operator of a restaurant is the most appropriate person, as he lives a perfect shape health care for his work, 24 hours a day, is in harmony with health and hygiene, since the same operator: supply food, treats them, cook them and serve them as well. Dear
Tanino, think a bit ', you'll be on memory of the children of today and tomorrow men, as Mrs. Lucetta, or Mrs. Serafina, years ago, which I too have a beautiful memory with those jugs of chocolate milk, but the habit of ... do not eat the skin of the tomatoes I have left yet, and onion, as you know my friends.
For now I will stop here, (of which dear anonymous post will never be published for the malice expressed) but soon I will return to talk of "Music Lab" that perhaps you do not know, but I myself had long ago proposed to the Mayor of Giurdignano. But we'll talk. In
cordially greet all the readers of the blog, I take this opportunity to personally Auguri di Natale a tutta la cittadinanza, ringraziandovi ancora una volta per avermi dato l’opportunità di rappresentarvi in consiglio comunale.
Maurizio Quintana (consigliere di minoranza)
Monday, December 21, 2009
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The match, at the request of Piacenza, was brought forward to the matinee at 10.30. Early stages of study, and part of the team right now that Emilia quickly takes possession of the midfield. Catalani in difficulties when trying to organize the game, but they often are to have the opportunity to move ahead. At 15 ° Bussu was brought down in the penalty area. Faedda takes displacing the goalkeeper but the ball lands just wide.
The missed penalty by Faedda
ALGHERO : Cossu, Leoni, Porto, Ravanesi (20 'st Cisternino), Madeddu, Saba, Bussu, Dore, Satta (35' st Margotti) Faedda (32 'st Diana), Farina (28' st Galleri). Herds Swimming. There are 12 of the United Puledda 17
PIACENZA : Suzzi, Pugliese, Malvicini (28 'st Fucarino), Castellana, Lombardi, Taglietti (13' st Barba), Galli (7 'st Girola), Dubrovnik, Castrillo (35' Bernazzani ST), Ferrante (32 'st De Santis), Palmieri (1' st Angove. Cornelissen Herds. There are 12 dancers
Referee: Carboni
Ammon : Madeddu (A), Pugliese (P)
Networks : 20 'pt Bussu (A), 25 st Farina (A).
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
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Monday, December 14, 2009
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La cronaca: Parte bene l’Alghero che al 5’ passa in vantaggio. Faedda smarca Satta che solo in area di rigore batte Concioni. La Pro Sesto accusa il colpo e l’Alghero potrebbe raddoppiare in più occasioni ma spreca. La gara appare sin troppo facile. Al 20’ il primo campanello d’allarme con i locali che colpiscono la traversa con Cossu fuori causa. Al 25’ raggiungono la parità. Azione d’attacco dell’Alghero che perde palla, difesa sbilanciata e con il più classico dei contropiedi la Pro pareggia con Cremonesi.
Alla ripresa delle ostilità è l’Alghero Cossu and to make the game does not run serious risks.
At 25 'copy of the action that led to balance. Corner to dell'Alghero, the two central defensive forward. and the resumption of the premises, with the defense unguarded, Cremonesi is easy to double. The
Alghero there is pouring in and attack, creating numerous scoring
With Faedda, Satta, Bussu and Diana. The draw seems a done deal when Galleri corrects scored a header but the referee cancels Faedda for an offside appeared nonexistent. In the early stages of the recovery Alghero claim a penalty for hand ball in the net area, but the uncertain Salmalghi let it go. Final whistle and joy of local avrebbero firmato per un pari.
Bagno d’umiltà per i ragazzi algheresi, e possibilità di un pronto riscatto domenica prossima contro il Piacenza, partita di chiusura del girone d’andata.
Pro Sesto: Corcioni, Meroni, Bertola, Di Lorenzo, Villa, Leon, Marrone (19’ s.t. Agosta), Merlino, Garini (31’ s.t. Tecaru), Montalbano (18’ s.t. Pusceddu), Cremonesi (34’ s.t. Triboli). A disposizione Cavallini, Preite. Allenatore: Acquaviva. Dirigente: Benefro.
Alghero: Cossu, Leoni, Porto, Cisternino, Madeddu, Saba ( 31’ s.t. Ninniri), Bussu (26’ s.t. Diana), Dore, Satta, Faedda, Farina (14 'st Galleri). Available Puledda, Ravanesi. Coach: Swimming. Director: Faedda.
markers 5 'Satta pt (A), 15' pt 25 'st Cremonesi (P)
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Cellular Respiration Poem