Hello people! Was that for days I wanted to publish a post on the water, and nine videos that riguardano.Nessuno of you have ever wondered what is "really" the water and what this really represents for our daily lives? We all usufruiamo of this thing not giving due importanza.Forse because we had no problems so far reperirla.La people go to the supermarket and buy, ... simply, without problemi.Forse we are not aware of about 1 billion people without access to water. waste it, do not we give due importanza.Pensiamo that everything will remain unchanged and that nothing will change . There sbagliamo.La situation is more serious than what we continue to pollute without pensiamo.Se environment, maybe in the near future that we gather together to one billion human beings, not to have, this vital and "essential" element, without which we could not vivere.A despite what they say, laughing: "I drink wine!" Well ... try to stay 5 days without drinking water, then we'll talk about it! ... In these days We finished collecting signatures for the Forum National Water, unworthy to repeal the decree that wants to privatize water. It's all right! The water is not a commodity on which they can guadagnare.L 'Water is a basic good of every human being on this Earth, and someone who gains above, is truly obscene! Then privatize the air we breathe and let's pay metrocubo.Se you pass through the privatization of water, the next is air. realize this! However, returning to the post, 9 I propose a video broadcast on Russian TV, practically a documentary divided into 9 parts, on the latest discoveries on the water. It 'subtitled in Italian, and I think (if you have the patience to see them all) that will "astound you!"
Enjoy! Skywatcher.
Enjoy! Skywatcher.
Dal canale youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/leallo1
I SEGRETI DELL'ACQUA:Documentario in 9 parti.