Hello people! maybe you're wondering because of the title of post.Bene reading the latest article from the website: http://www.comedonchisciotte.org/site/index.php talking about GMOs (genetically modified organisms), Monsanto, pesticides and Europe, well! ... I said that we Europeans (those who govern us, of course), maybe we're a little if at all masochisti.Vi carry the full article so you can understand what I mean dire.Spero will face "a little" thinking, and that makes you accountable for what they have in the program (always those who govern us ...) for us in the next anni.Decisamente insane (in my view). Happy reading! Namastè to tutti.Skywatcher.
Genetically modified crops: THE COLLAPSE OF THE U.S. GMO

F. William Engdahl Global Research
Recently, the rulers non eletti della Commissione Europea, noti per essersi sempre opposti alla diffusione di organismi geneticamente modificati (OGM) nell'agricoltura dell'UE, hanno dimostrato un cambiamento di direzione. Ad approvare l'adozione degli OGM, al fianco del presidente della commissione europea, ci sarà il nuovo Commissario all'Ambiente, il revisore contabile maltese John Dalli. L'ex Commissario all'Ambiente, il greco Staros Dimas, era, invece, un feroce oppositore degli OGM. Anche il governo cinese ha comunicato che potrebbe approvare una varietà di riso OGM. Prima che le cose si evolvano troppo, farebbero bene a osservare più attentamente ciò che succede negli USA, dove le colture geneticamente modificate sono tutt'altro che positive, indeed.
What is meticulously hidden by Monsanto and other companies operating in agribusiness, genetically modified crops that advertise as an alternative to conventional ones, is the fact that worldwide, to date, GM crops have been used and patented only for two reasons, the first of which is the poisonous herbicide tolerance to glyphosate, which Monsanto and others are forcing farmers to buy, if they wish to use their GM seeds. The second reason is the strength of the particular insects. Contrary to the myths promoted by agribusiness giants to meet their interests, there is no GM seeds can provide a richer harvest or least-toxic herbicide. This is simply because it would bring no profit.
The disaster of super weeds
As noted by the eminent biologist and opponent of GMOs, the SSA Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, of the 'Institute of Science in London, companies like Monsanto make seeds immune to herbicides, thanks a gene is not sensitive to glyphosate, which encodes the enzyme dall'erbicida hit. The enzyme is derived from a soil bacterium, Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The immunity to insects is due to one or more toxins resulting from the soil bacterium BT (Bacillus thuringiensis). The United States began large-scale cultivation of GM crops, particularly soybeans, wheat and cotton, around 1997. Today, genetically modified crops occupy between 85% and 91% of cultivated areas with the three major U.S. crops, which are just as soybean, wheat and cotton, for a total of about 70 million hectares.
According to Ho, the bomb carried by the GMO label is about to explode. After years of constant use of patented herbicide glyphosate, known as Roundup, produced by Monsanto, have developed new 'super weeds' resistant to herbicides; is the response of nature to human attempts to violate its laws. These super weeds need more herbicides.
ABC, one of the major TV channels degli USA, recentemente ha realizzato un documentario sulle ‘super erbacce’ nella rubrica “Super weeds that can’t be killed” (“Erbacce che non possono essere uccise”, ndt) [1].
Sono stati intervistati agricoltori e scienziati dell’Arkansas, che hanno parlato di campi invasi da erbacce immuni persino al glifosate. Un agricoltore ha raccontato di aver speso almeno 400.000 euro in soli tre mesi nel tentativo fallito di eliminarle.
Queste erbacce sono così resistenti che nemmeno le mietitrebbie riescono a eliminarle, e se si cerca di estirparle manualmente, gli attrezzi si rompono. Almeno 400.000 ettari di coltivazioni di soia e cotone dell’Arkansas sono stati infestati from this organic pest. Detailed information on the situation in other areas are not available, but we assume that things are more or less similar. The United States Department of Agriculture, pro-GMO and agribusiness, he lied on the actual status of U.S. crops, to hide the sad reality and prevent the outbreak of a revolt against GMOs in the country which is the main market for these products.

A variety of weeds, Amaranthus palmeri, can grow to a height of 2.4 meters, resisting the oppressive heat and long droughts and producing thousands of seeds of radici che rubano i nutrienti alle alter colture. Se lasciata incontrollata, può impossessarsi di un intero terreno in solo un anno. Alcuni agricoltori sono stati costretti ad abbandonare le loro terre. Fino ad oggi, invasioni di Amaranthus palmeri, sono state identificate non solo in Arkansas, ma anche in Georgia, Carolina del Sud, Carolina del Nord, Tennessee, Kentucky, Nuovo Messico, Mississippi e, più recentemente, in Alabama e nel Missouri, tutti paesi in cui si fa uso di colture OGM.
Gli scienziati della University of Georgia stimano che due sole piante di Amaranthus palmeri, in 6 metri di filari di cotone, sono in grado di ridurre il raccolto di almeno il 23%. Una sola erbaccia può produrre 450.000 semi [2].
The hidden toxicity of Roundup
Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the U.S. and worldwide. Patented and sold by Monsanto since the late seventies under the name Roundup, is a required part of the company's GM seeds. To have proof, just go to any gardening store, ask for and read the label carefully.
As I explained in my book "Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation" ("Seeds of Destruction: the secret program handling gentica", ndt), GM crops and artificial seeds have been created in the seventies, with the generous financial support of the Rockefeller Foundation, supporter of eugenics, as Monsanto Chemicals chemical companies, DuPont and Dow Chemicals. All three were involved in the scandal, the highly toxic Agent Orange, used in Vietnam in the seventies such as dioxins, the danger of which was withheld from employees, civilian and military.
The patented GM seeds they were considered an intelligent method to increase sales of their chemical compounds for agriculture, such as Roundup. Farmers must sign a contract with Monsanto, which agree to use only the pesticide Roundup. So, farmers are forced to buy seeds and glyphosate poisonous company.
At the University of Caen, France, a team led by molecular biologist Gilles-Eric Séralini conducted a study which showed that Roundup has a particular inert ingredient, the surfactant polyoxyethylene, that the human embryo, the placenta and the cells Umbilical is more deadly than the same glyphosate. Monsanto refuses to give details on the contents of Roundup than glyphosate, as a 'patented' [3].

Séralini study found that the ingredients of Roundup amplified their toxic effects on human cells, even in lower doses than those used on farms and meadows! The French team ha analizzato il Roundup a diversi gradi di concentrazione, dalle dose solitamente usate in agricoltura o nei campi, a dosi 100.000 volte più diluite rispetto al prodotto che troviamo nei negozi. I ricercatori hanno identificato un pericolo per le cellule in tutti i casi.
In un opuscolo dell’Istituto di Biotecnologia, volto a promuovere le colture OGM negli USA, in quanto “distruttrici delle erbacce”, il glifosate e il Roundup vengono pubblicizzati come “meno nocivi del sale da cucina”. In tredici anni, negli Stati Uniti, si è avuto un aumento nell’utilizzo di pesticidi di 144.000 tonnellate, mentre avrebbe dovuto diminuire, secondo quanto avevano promesso i “quattro cavalieri dell’apocalisse GMOs ". Remarkable is the increase in diseases caused by these substances.
However, after the marketing of GM seeds of Monsanto in the U.S. between 1994 and 2005 there was an increase of more than 1500% in the use of glyphosate. In the U.S., about 45,000 tons of glyphosate is used on lawns and farms each year, and in the last 13 years, has been used in more than 400,000 acres. In an interview, technical development manager for Monsanto, Rick Cole, said that the problems are manageable, advising farmers to switch crops and to use different herbicides produced by Monsanto. The company encourages a mix glyphosate with other herbicides such as 2,4-D, which is prohibited in Sweden, Denmark and Norway, as related to cancer and other reproductive harm and neurological systems. The 2,4-D is a component of Agent Orange produced by Monsanto and used in Vietnam in the sixties.
U.S. farmers look to organic
Farmers in the U.S. are showing increasing interest in traditional crops, not involving the use of GMOs. According to a report by the Department of Agriculture, sales of organic food rose by $ 3.6 billion in 1997 to 21 billion dollars in 2008 [4]. The market is so active that the farms are tucked their sleeves to meet the rapidly growing demand, and often even have occurred to the regular lack of organic products.
The new Conservative-Liberal coalition government of the United Kingdom intends to remove the ban on the use of GMOs in the country. John Beddington, the British government's scientific adviser, said in a recent article: "The next ten years will see the development of compounds with new features, such as tolerance to drought. Since mid-century there will be much more radical possibilities related to the characteristics of polygenic. He then went on to ensure "the cloning of animals allow immunity to diseases." I think you can also avoid commenting.
A recent study by the University of Iowa and the United States Department of Agriculture, which is registered in the productivity of farms during the three-year transition period required to switch from conventional to certified organic production, has shown the major benefits of organic farming, compared to GM crops, conventional or non-GMO. The experiment lasted four years, three of the first transition and only the fourth of farming, and it was shown that despite early productivity fell in the third year it has been equated with that of conventional crops, while partire dal quarto anno ha iniziato a crescere, sia per la coltivazione della soia, sia per quella del grano.
Ultimamente è stato pubblicato anche uno studio del'International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD), risultato di tre anni di deliberazioni di 400 scienziati e rappresentanti di organizzazioni non governative, provenienti da 110 paesi di tutto il mondo. Si è giunti alla conclusione che l'agricoltura biologica su bassa scala è la soluzione migliore per la lotta alla fame, alle differenze sociali e ai disastri ambientali [5]. Come dice la Dott. ssa Ho, è necessario cambiare il modo di praticare l'agricoltura, prima che la catastrofe si diffonda in Germania, in Europa and the rest of the world [6].
[1] Super weed can not be killed, ABC News, 6 October 2009. See also, Jeff Hampton, NC farmers battle herbicide-resistant weeds, The Virginian-Pilot, July 19, 2009, http://hamptonroads.com/2009/07/nc-farmers-battle-herbicideresistant-weeds
i [2 ] Caulcutt Clea, 'Superweed' explosion threatens Monsanto Heartlands, Clea Caulcutt, 19 April 2009, http://www.france24.com/en/20090418-superweed-explosion-threatens-monsanto-heartlands-genetically-modified-US-crops
[3] N. Benachour and GE. Séralini, Glyphosate Formulations Induce Apoptosis and Necrosis in Human Umbilical, Embryonic, and Placental Cells Chem. Res. Toxicol., Article DOI: 10.1021/tx800218n Publication Date (Web): December 23, 2008.
[4] Carolyn Dimitri and Lydia Oberholtzer, Marketing U.S. organic foods: recent trends from farms to consumers, USDA Economic Research Service, September 2009, http://www.ers.usda.gov/Publications/EIB58/
[5] International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development, IAASTD, 2008, http://www.agassessment.org/index.cfm?Page=Press_Materials&ItemID=11
[6] Ho MW.UK Food Standards Agency study proves organic food is better. Science in Society 44, 32-33, 2009.
F. William Engdahl è l'autore di “Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation "(" Seeds of Destruction: the secret program handling gentica ", ndt).
Original title: "Genetically Manipulated Crops: The GMO Catastrophe in the USA. A Lesson for the World"
Source: http://www.globalresearch.ca
www.comedonchisciotte for translation. org by Stefania Micucci