Dopo il minuto di raccoglimento in ricordo delle vittime del terremoto haitiano, ha inizio la gara. E l'Atalanta cerca subito di mettere in chiaro le cose, calcando il piede sull'acceleratore e creando due nitide palle goals in two minutes. The cross and the imprecision of attacking a doorman in front of Bergamo only imediate avoid the closure of the match. It soon becomes clear that it will be a difficult match. Atalanta playing from memory, and the physicality of its athletes is felt. Especially in the set piece. Well, precisely, from a corner kick advantage Lombard. Cason, central defender with controfiocchi, puts his head on the 15th of eluding defenders Alghero. Goleada? Absolutely! Cossu and his companions are there to play the part of the sacrificial victim, and gradually take the measures of the more illustrious opponents. Blown by the warm home crowd, the Alghero begin to believe and go with insistence in the court of Bergamo. 30 ° to reach the deserved equalizer thanks to a sweeping action Mattia Bussu that can reach the edge of the penalty and puts Mora with a low shot to the left edge of the pole. Cover 1-1 finishes the first portion of the game. Eugenio Perico, unforgettable and defender dell'Ascoli dell'Atalanta 70-80, and current coach of young dell'Atalanta, tries to groom her children properly, but did not reckon with the determination and will to fight Gigi boys swimming and Nicola Cosso. The Alghero down the field more determined than the first time, biting the ankles of their opponents and showing that pressing that makes them indigestible to any contender. The game is played on very high rates, And it's Alghero to have the chance to go ahead with a shot of David Madeddu that is deflected by a defender dell'Atalanta, and another conclusion from outside the area of \u200b\u200bthe valuable Mora Andrea Dore can spit out seven of his door.
The game is hard, and in the end the Bergamo try to push to get the advantage, but to no avail. A couple of bad episodes with total absence of fair play (to say the least ...) by a player atalantino likely to spot a game until then very good, however everything runs smoothly until the end. Conclusion that sees several boys Alghero struggling with cramps, reflecting the great effort done to stem the leaders ...
Congratulations to all the guys dell'Alghero, authors of a truly amazing performance. We can not speak of individuals, because it was the result of a whole team supported magnificently by a technical staff of great importance. Football kids grow ............
Sunday, January 24 is going to Lecco, hoping to put more points on the farm.
ALGHERO : COSSU, Bussu (bump), PORTO, RAVANESI (CISTERNINO), Madeddu, LEONI, NINNIRI (SABA) (gallery), DORE, Sattar (DIANA), Faedda, flour. Facilities: Puledda. Coach: SWIMMING
ATALANTA : MORA, ADIANSI, Barlocco, Casella, CASON, INVERNIZZI (FOREST), RASCAROLI (MALVESTITI), ROMANO (FAT), Bangal, Varano, UNGARO (Valor). Facilities: MIORI, SAVI, Boldini. Coach: Perica
SCORERS: 15 'pt CASON, 30' pt Bussu

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