Monday, February 15, 2010

Broken Blood Vessel In Mouth

WATERLOO Giallorossi ....... Postponed

Debacle!!!!! Poche parole per commentare una sconfitta forse inattesa alla vigilia, ma sicuramente meritata. Meritata perchè i ragazzi di Nuoto non sono mai riusciti a trovare la matassa dell'incontro, vuoi per una perfetta disposizione in campo degli avversari, vuoi per una serie sfortunata di circostanze, vuoi per un fisiologico appannamento in questo periodo del campionato. Fatto sta che il Monza ha letteralmente fatto un sol boccone dell'Alghero rifilando uno 0-4 che non implica nessuna discussione.
Monza ahead after just six minutes into the match. Perfect fast break, and Turati bags with precision from the edge of the area. Cold hit, Porto and friends trying their response and fail to create a couple of scoring opportunities, hitting a cross and suffering the deflection of a defender to beat goalkeeper. The domain of the match, however, is of Brianza, which run perfectly well as keeping the ball in possession. Alghero's struggle in the construction of the game, suffering the-go guests. The second half continued along the lines of the first. Another hit by cross Faedda free-kick, two other scoring opportunities, but restarts in the Monza proved deadly because of the speed and agility Crippa, Di Pierro and Cossa, putting three more times with the poor Cossu works by Veronese, and Isella Perego. The final whistle
Mr. Maglione is a liberation for all. All
all wrong to be redone?? Not at all. E 'must not lose confidence in the field and throw all the determination and concentration that made dell'Alghero one of the revelations of this group.
Around the corner is playing with Pergocrema, to prove they have passed the critical period and to continue to pursue the dream of the playoffs. Strength and courage!

ALGHERO : COSSU, Gallery, Porto (26 'ST CUREDDA), Cisternino, Madeddu, LEONI, Bussu (18 'ST RAVANESI) DORE, DIANA, Faedda, FLOUR (14', ST SATTA) MONZA: DATTRINO, Montalbetti, Veronese, COSSA, Anselmo, MERLO, Crippa, Pierre (18 'ST PEREGO) ISELLA, TURATI (10 'ST AGOSTINELLI), Minoli (16' ST LUCCA)


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