Monday, March 29, 2010

Bahrain Sport Frequency On Nilesat

Alghero Alghero - Cremonese 0-0

postponed once the appointment with the home win for the boys dell'Alghero. A game that certainly affordable against Cremonese, but pointed out the obvious problems that beset the team of Gigi Swimming. Want to injuries chain or because they are obvious fatigue that grips the young shoots of the Catalans, the fact is that the company continued to Sheba and difficult time in a league that sees the continued growth of other teams relegated to the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe standings throughout the first round of the championship.
A first time player, fairly good dall'Alghero, who had the dominance in possession of the ball and could only go ahead if he had thought a bit more in its means. However, few relevant actions to be reported, many building game but goalkeepers busy little or nothing.
The resumption of play marks a retreat from the people of Alghero, found that more webs built in the first fraction and are dominated by the more physical (and sometimes hard ...) Cremonese players. Game confused, vehement attacks of the Cremonese that comes dangerously close to the port of Tore Puledda on several occasions. Bravo algherese goalkeeper to save the result in output to an attacking opponent, while on another occasion the pole outside to save their unbeaten. Several substitutions by dell'Alghero accidents occurring due to Anthony Gallery and Andrea Dore, hit hard by opponents, and physiological fatigue of the team.
final result of 0-0, despite all that allows you to hang the all'Alghero Monza in fifth place in the standings along with Piacenza, victorious over Pergocrema.
is timely at this point, the Easter break to recharge the batteries ahead of the final rush. It resumed on 11 April away to Milan. Opponent of the easiest ....................

Alghero - Cremonese 0-0

ALGHERO: Puledda, Galleri (16’ s.t. Ninniri), Porto, Cisternino, Madeddu, Saba, Bussu, Dore (35’ s.t. Cecconello), Diana (25’ s.t. Campagna), Faedda, Uleri (18’ s.t. Curedda). A disposizione: Cossu, Margotti. Allenatore: Nuoto.
CREMONESE: Peviani, Arpini, Urmi, Bianchessi (16’ s.t. De Rosa), Berishaku, Pozzali, Ratti 30’ s.t. Oprandi), Zanazzi, Buonaiuto, Zaffino (28’ s.t. Lanzi), Frisina (6’ s.t. Nosotti). Disposizione: Donnarumma, Cesarotti.Allenatore: Carminati.

Arbitro: Grossi della Sezione di Alghero.
Ammoniti: Porto (A), Ratti (C).

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What Causes Red Streaks On Face?

Albinoleffe - 2-0 ALGHERO

ALBINOLEFFE - Alghero 2-0

ALBINOLEFFE: Lazzarini, Dolazza (1 'st Fidanza), Cortez, Paris, Valietti, Grass (29' st Noris), Tognoni, Merelli (15 'st Rossetti), Bertoli (24' st Pizzolla), Cereda (11 'st Dell'Orto) Cremonesi. Facilities: Barcella.
Manager: Gates.

ALGHERO: Cossu, Leoni, Porto, Cisternino (27 'st Margotti), Madeddu, Saba (24' st Gobbato) Uleri (32 'pt Cecconello), Dore, Satta, Diana (17' st Country) Bussu. Facilities: Puledda.
Coach: Swimming.

Referee: Mr Zucca.

Scorers: 6 'pt Cremonesi (ALB) 25' pt Bertoli (ALB).
Booked: Valletti (ALB).

dell'Alghero defeat in the ninth day of the second round of the National Championship Juniors. The period of no boys swimming Gigi continues. Albinoleffe opposed to the strong, the Giallorossi serving once again the fact that they took to the field largely remodeled in training, having to give up, among others, to Faedda, Farina, and Ravanesi Ninniri. Worth noting is the debut of young people in the league campaign and Cecconello. The Alghero, even rode a spirited race fighting for every ball, no evidence has been excellent in front of the premises which, by exploiting in the best way some defensive amnesia of the guests, have tilted the scales in their favor.
With this victory, Albinoleffe consolidate fourth place in the standings, while overtaking Alghero suffer in fifth place by the Monza, and are currently left out of the playoffs.
Next Sunday, at last, he returns home after three consecutive trips. The synthetic Olmedo 15.00, for the 10th return, you host the Cremonese.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Want To Buy Fingerboard

New heavy defeat for Alghero


: Shepherd, Petroccione (19 'st Urbano), Di Mauro, Dogs, Sciavilla, Caracciolo, Casorati (21' s.t. Contiero), Buratti (24’ s.t. Argentini), Carlomagno (8’ s.t. Fontana), Vitale ( 17’ s.t. Migliavacca), De Rosa (17’ s.t. Favini).
A disposizione: Carbone.
Allenatore: Russo.
ALGHERO : Puledda, Leoni (1’ s.t. Ravanesi), Porto, Cisternino, Madeddu, Saba (15’ s.t. Curedda), Galleri, Dore, Diana, Satta, Bussu (11’ s.t. Uleri).
A disposizione: Cossu.
Allenatore: Nuoto.
Arbitro: Innocenti.
Ammonito: De Rosa (P).

Un Alghero poco combattivo subisce una pesante sconfitta a Pavia. Unica attenuante per gli ospiti l’esser scesi in campo in formazione rimaneggiata and with certain elements not in perfect physical condition. Yet the race started well. For twenty minutes the team, well orchestrated by Dore, had a territorial supremacy and created some good opportunities. At 20 ', the very first thrust, the Pavia took the lead. A long recovery Casorati fishing on the edge of the area and while the defense relies on the offside wing yellowness can be safely concluded on goal. The disadvantage that shakes the Alghero around the half hour when a match could not irresistible conclusion Dore escape the grip of the goalkeeper to beat but it's on the pole and the extreme local can recover. In closing the first tranche and other defensive mess Pavia doubles. It goes to the off with a double disadvantage that is frankly too much for the guests. At the start of the game shows Ravanesi Alghero in place of the Lions. We expect a reaction from the boys swimming coach but a little careful and focused defense grants two more goals to the hosts who willingly accept and close the race early. In the remaining minutes lost due to accidents Alghero Bussu Saba and while the hosts can easily make changes to provision. The network banner is the work of Satta a penalty kick.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Removal Of A Cervical Polyp In Canada

Return to victory: Como - Alghero 1-3

Bella dell'Alghero statement outside on the difficult area of \u200b\u200bComo in the recovery of the fourth round of the second round. The yellow and red, in the last six days they had collected just four points, the result of four draws, savor the taste of victory, the first of half of the season, the third outside the home after the successes obtained in Monza and Cremona, and found the enthusiasm necessary to address the final tournament. The victory came after a match played with determination dall'undici Catalan that he wanted to redeem the dull test in the previous round ended with the sound defeat by Inter. The team took to the field in training altered without the injured Faedda e Farina, ha lottato con grinta e determinazione al cospetto di un Como che ha provato in tutti i modi ad assicurarsi i tre punti.
La cronaca: primo tempo equilibrato con l’Alghero a far la partita e con i padroni di casa abili nelle ripartenze e che in alcune circostanze vanno vicino alla marcatura. La ripresa si apre con il gol dell’Alghero siglato da Bussu su punizione con palla che attraversa l’area di rigore, passando tra una selva di gambe, e si infila in rete. L’Alghero insiste. Una bella iniziativa di Dore mette Diana in condizione di raddoppiare ma l’attaccante giunge con un attimo di ritardo sul pallone. Come spesso accade su rovesciamento di fronte il Como trova il pari. Pasticcio difensivo dei catalani e Cossa, tutto solo the center of the area, may seize the same. Spend a few minutes and Captain Dore. after a beautiful action. kick from outside the box sending the ball in the net defense dall'incolpevole Bolton. The Como feeling the pinch, it remains to ten men following the accident at the end of Panetta and Satta, with the complicity of the local defense, can sign the goals of security. At the final whistle of Mr.
Boscocci exultation of the boys to swim for the renewed popularity.
away again next Sunday. The yellow and red are expected in the difficult field of Pavia.

ALGHERO: Puledda, Leoni, Porto, Cisternino (38 'st Ravanesi), Madeddu, Saba (27' st Ninniri), Gallery (33 'st Curedda), Dore, Satta (37' st Margotti), Diana, Bussu. Facilities: Cossu. Swimming coach

COMO: Buratti, Cossa, Mazzeo, Cannas, Frigerio, Resnick (17 'st Citron), Taormina (7' st pats), Meroni, Bolsani, Mascheroni, Florence. Facilities: De Ascentis. Cats coach
REFEREE: Mr Andrew Boscocci

Booked: Puledda, Satta, Ninniri (A) Mascheroni (C)

Scorers: 5 'st Bussu (A), 20' st Cossa (C), 25 'st Dore (A) 30 'st Satta (A)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Whats Difference Between Real Boobs And Fake

Amala ... Alghero crazy, love it .....

Ma sì!!!!! Complimenti comunque! Non era certo questa la partita che gli algheresi dovevano vincere. Il solo fatto di partecipare a questo campionato, costituisce di per sè una vittoria per i ragazzi di Nuoto e Cosso, che hanno la possibilità di confrontarsi con realtà calcistiche di tutt'altra dimensione e spessore rispetto alla realtà sarda. Al cospetto dell'Inter, decima società di calcio più ricca in Europa e seconda società italiana per numero di tifosi, capolista del campionato giovanissimi nazionale F.I.G.C., l'obiettivo di Satta e compagni era principalmente quello di fare una bella figura. Obiettivo che per un tempo si è materializzato, fino a quando ci sono state le forze. Ma di fronte al grande atletismo degli interisti, sia dell'undici titolare che delle riserve, le forze sono venute meno.
Il tabellino finale recita 0-5, risultato forse eccessivamente pesante ma indicativo del cinismo e della concretezza degli attaccanti interisti.
Partenza subito lanciata dei milanesi che spezzano le gambe dei giallorossi andando in goal dopo soli tre minuti. Moreo approfitta dello spazio libero all'interno dell'area di rigore e fulmina Cossu con un preciso destro sotto la traversa. Partita segnata dall'inizio. Anche perchè le ripartenze degli algheresi vanno a cozzare contro il muro eretto a centrocampo e in difesa dai ragazzi di Cerrone. Gli interisti giocano a memoria, e mettono in mostra le loro eccellenti individualità a partire dal difensore Sciacca, from Cannataro, scooter midfield, the purpose of the external and the Argentine striker Losada. The first time slips, however, zero to one. In the second half
the International sinking shots. After a few minutes of strenuous resistance from dell'Alghero, the Milanese are in goal three more times in succession with deadly counterattack. Pedrabissi, Mira and Bertolino dell'incolpevole Puledda pierce the network, the successor to Andrea Cossu. Closes the fifth goal of the game giant Ogunseye Ibukun striker unpronounceable name and the levers endless ......
Breaking records for the large audience present and the arbitration provision. Tribune packed, and could not be otherwise given the importance of the event. Unexceptionable arbitrage Mr. Martinuzzi Fabio Alghero, who led the meeting until the end without smudging.
Congratulations to Inter, the protagonist worthy of a championship wonderful, and certainly among the favorites in the race final at the Under 15 championship. Congratulations all'Alghero, despite the setback, since the ransom to the emergency recovery against Como.
The championship is still long, and we are sure that Alghero will be able to recover from this bad time.
Amala .... Alghero crazy, love it !!!!!
ALGHERO : Cossu (Puledda), Gallery (Cisternino), Porto, Ravanesi (Margotti), Madeddu, Leoni, Bussu, Dore, Satta (Diana), Faedda, Farina (Saba). Coaching Swimming.

: Maini (Pagan), Da Rugna (Di Stefano), Sciacca (Rivard), Eguelfi, Businaro, Cannataro (Faithful), Mira (Larese), Bertolino, Losada (Ogunseye), Moreo, Pedrabissi (Goliath ) Coach Cerrone.

Referee: Mr. Martinuzzi of Alghero.
Scorers: Moreo, Pedrabissi, Mira, Bertolino, Ogunseye.