A first time player, fairly good dall'Alghero, who had the dominance in possession of the ball and could only go ahead if he had thought a bit more in its means. However, few relevant actions to be reported, many building game but goalkeepers busy little or nothing.
The resumption of play marks a retreat from the people of Alghero, found that more webs built in the first fraction and are dominated by the more physical (and sometimes hard ...) Cremonese players. Game confused, vehement attacks of the Cremonese that comes dangerously close to the port of Tore Puledda on several occasions. Bravo algherese goalkeeper to save the result in output to an attacking opponent, while on another occasion the pole outside to save their unbeaten. Several substitutions by dell'Alghero accidents occurring due to Anthony Gallery and Andrea Dore, hit hard by opponents, and physiological fatigue of the team.
final result of 0-0, despite all that allows you to hang the all'Alghero Monza in fifth place in the standings along with Piacenza, victorious over Pergocrema.
is timely at this point, the Easter break to recharge the batteries ahead of the final rush. It resumed on 11 April away to Milan. Opponent of the easiest ....................
Alghero - Cremonese 0-0
ALGHERO: Puledda, Galleri (16’ s.t. Ninniri), Porto, Cisternino, Madeddu, Saba, Bussu, Dore (35’ s.t. Cecconello), Diana (25’ s.t. Campagna), Faedda, Uleri (18’ s.t. Curedda). A disposizione: Cossu, Margotti. Allenatore: Nuoto.
CREMONESE: Peviani, Arpini, Urmi, Bianchessi (16’ s.t. De Rosa), Berishaku, Pozzali, Ratti 30’ s.t. Oprandi), Zanazzi, Buonaiuto, Zaffino (28’ s.t. Lanzi), Frisina (6’ s.t. Nosotti). Disposizione: Donnarumma, Cesarotti.Allenatore: Carminati.
Arbitro: Grossi della Sezione di Alghero.
Ammoniti: Porto (A), Ratti (C).
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