PIACENZA: Sozzi, Taglietti (Galli 11 'st), Castrillo, Castellana, Strozzi, Dubrovnik (Fucarino 8' st), Lambert (Bernazzani 30 'pt), Palmer (22 Angove 'st), Ferrante (Zani 22' st), Beard (Malvicini 18 'st) Tosetti. Facilities: Riboldi. Coach: Cornelissen.
ALGHERO: Puledda (Cossu 15 'st), Leoni, Porto, Cisternino, Madeddu, Saba (Uleri 20' st), Bussu, Dore, Satta, Faedda, Diana. A provision Ravanesi, Curedda, layers. Coach: Nuoto.
MARCATORI: Bernazzani 11’ s.t.
ESPULSIONI: Castellana 27’ s.t.
AMMONIZIONI: Castrillo, Castellana (P) – Diana, Saba, Madeddu (A).
Al termine di una partita equilibrata il Piacenza ha avuto la meglio sull’Alghero imponendosi per una rete a zero, ma Bussu e compagni avrebbero meritato ampiamente il pari.
Nel primo tempo predominio territoriale dei padroni di casa ma la difesa algherese non corre mai seri pericoli. Nella ripresa, all’undicesimo Bernazzani sfrutta al meglio un calcio di punizione dal limite dell’area e porta in vantaggio i locali.
La rete scuote i ragazzi dell’Alghero, sino a quel momento evanescenti in the attack, which discharges in the court of Piacenza. The draw seems a done deal at 20 '. The referee decreed a penalty kick for an apparent handball in the area red and white. It is in charge of the bar but the goalkeeper Faedda Sozzi understands and deviates in a corner. The Giallorossi do not give up and thanks to the expulsion of the central defensive Castellana besiege the area of \u200b\u200bPiacenza failing with some sensational scoring Faedda and Porto. After five minutes of stoppage the referee ended the meeting by providing for the victory of the hosts.
The championship is over, since the home game with the Pro Sesto - not held Sunday, April 18 to block traffic because of the volcanic cloud Icelandic - was not recovered because of the waiver by the team of Lombardy. Therefore, a walkover for Alghero 3-0 and a penalty point in the standings for the Pro Sesto. Comments
end of a memorable season to the next post.
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