Hello people! again with a new post, which you can resume very well the last of August 30 last year, where I talked about GMOs (genetically modified organisms). ... Now you can change something that is already perfect her? I think no.La Nature took thousands of years to reach the perfection of its Ecosistema.E we doing? stupid as we are, and no longer able to live a "NATURAL" as all other beings that populate our planet Mother, modify them! Now ... ask yourself ... Who benefits from this? To us poor human beings at the mercy of unscrupulous corporations, research institutes fed to the sound of millions in subsidies from the latter, the corrupt politicians who for a handful of U.S. dollar also sell his own mother, of bankers that we are only cattle squeeze, or mainly benefits a few people who want to gain on our food, passing over as compressors to our lives, our rights, safety, our needs to live in this world as best we can? Well ... I do not know how you think, but I warmly invite you to reflect on what is happening in Europe regarding GM crops . Think especially to your children, your children and the future that is prepared if we do something.
two days ago I received an email from a member of our association BLUE SKIES, which came true to me about what the European Commission is preparing on GMO crops , in Europe until recently has always been a carryover contraria.Ve verbatim, so you can capire.E I invite you to stop this diabolical plan that is being deployed by politicians who do not know that we did not vote and that there is minimal information on what fare.Sono few people who want to decide sulla totalità degli abitanti Europei,(500.000.000. forse anche di più...).Leggete,informatevi e diffondete!Namastè a tutti.Skywatcher.

Quasi 1 milione contro gli OGM!
La Commissione Europea ha appena approvato la coltivazione di OGM in Europa, ignorando le preoccupazioni dell'opinione pubblica. Ho firmato una petizione per una riccerca indipendente ed una moratoria sullo sviluppo dei raccolti OGM. Con un milione di firme dei cittadini, possiamo fare una richiesta ufficiale e legale alla Commissione Europea. Firma in basso e raggiungiamo un milione di firme:
Dear friends,
the European Commission has recently approved the cultivation of GM crops in the EU for the first time in 12 years!
collapsed in the face to the lobby of GMOs, the Committee has ignored 60% of Europeans who feel they must assess the facts before you grow food that may pose a threat to our health and the environment.
A new initiative to allow a million citizens and legal officials to make requests to the European Commission. Let us raise a million voices for the banning of GM food until it is completed, the research will be delivered to the Commission President European Barroso. Sign the petition and forward this e-mail to friends and family:
Consumer groups, public health , environmentalists and farmers have long protested against a small group of international companies in favor of GMOs that have a significant influence on European agriculture. Concerns about GM crops include: contamination of organic crops and the environment and their impact on climate because of the excessive use of pesticides applied, the distriuzione biodiversity and local agriculture, and the effects of GM foods on public health .
La decisione dell'Unione Europea di autorizzare la coltivazione della patata della BASF e del mais della Monsanto ha trovato la dura opposizione del ministero dell'agricoltura italiano, che ha dichiarato di volere "difendere e slavaguardare l'agricoltura tradizionale e la salute dei cittadini".
Non c'è ancora consenso sugli effetti a lungo termine dei raccolti OGM. Ed è l'industria OGM, che ricerca i profitti non il bene pubblico, che sta finanziando la scienza e guidando l'ambiente regolatore. Ecco perché i cittadini europei stanno richiedendo una ricerca più indipendente, esperimenti e precauzione prima che i raccolti vengano permessi nella nostra terra.
Adesso, l'"Iniziativa dei Cittadini Europei" dà the opportunity to one million European citizens to present policy proposals to the European Commission and offers us a unique opportunity to undermine the influence of the lobby.
We raise a million voices to put a moratorium on the introduction of GM crops in Europe and create an ethical and independent scientific body to conduct research and establish a strong regulation of GM crops. Sign the petition now and then forward it widely:
With determination,
Alice, Benjamin, Ricken, Luis, Graziela and the whole Avaaz team.
More information:
Eurobarometer Report 2008 on 'attitude of European citizens towards the environment "(English), page 66:
Europe says yes to" superpatate ", Time:
GM: The whole of Italy (or almost) against the transgenic potato, ASCA:
http:// bit.ly / bbJUyA
Basf without brakes, two other GM in 2010, Earth:
http://www.terranews.it/news/2010/03/basf-senza-freni-altri-due-ogm -within-the-2010
Greenpeace and the ISAAA report: "The miracle is over GM in a tumble," Greenreport:

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