Chi sono i Debunkers e i Disinformatori?

people might wonder why the picture of the tragedy of 11 September 2001. Why
to 9 years, was not written the final word on the responsibilities of that disaster, which has caused memory vittime.Il 2974 speech debunkers and disinformation is in close connection with this tragedy and other tragedies happened in Italy, which unfortunately bene.Attentati know, strange deaths, strange accidents hits from the 70s onwards, perhaps prima.Solo that in those years, the misinformation was called by another name: depistaggio.La truth in the world and in our country, has always been latitante.La then television, has contributed much to quell the criticism and discrimination of the facts, by telespettatori.Ascoltiamo news, and what he says that electronic box that we all more or less at home, is pure gold, is the absolute truth, not contraddicibile.L ' September 11th, we were told, was a terrorist act and this is absolutely vero.Uccidere 2974 people is just terrorism, there is no doubt arises dubbio.Il "who" has made this act infame.Io I followed like a million people in the world, the story live in the moment they happened, in Tv.Sembrava almost a movie in the beginning. I could scarcely believe it was the reality, as I think has happened to many of voi.Poi jumped out of Osama Bin Laden, monster that has made all this, the danger No. 1 in the world, the evil we all have ASSOLUTO.E creduto.Abbiamo believed to terrorists hijacked airplanes, the whole complex plan set up by these people for violating the largest world power and humiliate her in front of the mondo.Poi everything else has come to conseguenza.Guerra in Iraq and Afghanistan, with all the dead that you know, shrinkage of individual freedoms, checks, anthrax, denunciations, generalized fear of further attacks, etc. . And every day the word more pronounced in TG, was "terrorism." Then over the past 9 years, slowly, especially on the Internet, have come out new approaches, new scenarios of how they performed "really" the facts . Journalists courageous people around the world, conducted investigations scomode.Trovato new elements, new facts that clash with the truth in a radical way ufficiali.E know better than me that we are all conditioned by the official truth, if not all, most people from what we see on television, from what we read in newspapers, discussions on Bar ecc.Lo can find yourself talking to gente.Quando "a" truth is wedged in collective thinking, it is difficult to uprooting or correggibile.Lo you can do today, if one really wants it, on the Internet. Information, reading, visiting dozens of sites, beginning to regain the power of discrimination that we all have, thinking, doing work our brain, without preconceptions and without indoctrination media vari.Tutto this discussion brings us to this node post.ch are the debunkers? Who are the disinformation? They are skeptical? Direi.Uno skeptic is not he that believeth not only in the presence of hard facts, evidence, data, common sense reasoning, theories and possible condivisibili.Vediamo closely that these are defined disinformation on the Net or Debunkers.Tempo ago, there was a conference on 11 September, including the editor of Nexus Publishing, Tom Wood and Paul Attivissimo, a member of CICAP in refutation of theories that the uninformed call "conspiracy". I "conspiracy" are for them, quelli che non credono alle verità ufficiali,e credono invece a una vera e propria cospirazione,messa in atto dagli stessi governi o militari.E tentano in ogni modo di tranquillizzarci dicendoci: "ma no..che vai a pensare! E' tutto a posto,non preoccuparti,non ci sono misteri,stai tranquillo!E' tutto in ordine,è tutto spiegabile.La verità è questa,non ce ne sono altre."Così come per l'11 settembre,lo fanno con le scie-chimiche,con i vaccini,con gli UFO,con i cambiamenti climatici,con l'effetto serra e via dicendo.Il regista Massimo Mazzucco ha fatto un film sull11 settembre,dal titolo:"11 Settembre 2001. Inganno globale"che espone tutti i dubbi sorti dopo la versione ufficiale,sulla dinamica e sui fatti di questa tragedia.Film that "obviously" was opposed by supporters of the official truth, but the pain that you all varrebe vedeste.Penso that it would help a lot in the search for verità.Lui said the conference I mentioned above, and it did with a film of about 1 hour that I propose in the Channel 4 shares taken from youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RivoluzioniamoV3 I give you a link from the blog: http://sphaeralux.blogspot . com / a post that is the question of debunkers, who will explain very well who they are and where they act: http://sphaeralux.blogspot.com/2009/10/debunking-masques-et-buffons-come.html
For the rest I suggest you to inform you Rete.Se one wants, you will find all information about any topic or event you interessi.Basta cercare.Non expect others to darvele.Buona visione.Namastè.Skywatcher.
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