BUT' ... LET THE BAD !!!....
Hello people! ... I'm here at the computer for a new adventure in the sea of \u200b\u200binformation! I'm munching on some pumpkin seeds ... package of 500 gr., Maturity 30/11/11...provenienza...Ucraina! As I was preparing for this new post, reading the origin of these humble seeds (I remember eating them at the cinema as a child!), I came a moment of panic I said, "and perhaps if they are also contaminated? ... " No. .. because if I remember correctly ... Chernobyl ... in Ukraine! Oh well ... 24 years have passed, but see what are you thinking! And then the very package that you just bought tonight ... But if tomorrow I wake up with your hands in the shape of pumpkins, it means that something was contaminated ... Now clearly I'm kidding ... although I should not, if only to respect for the dead of that tragic years (1986 ed) broke out of a reactor NUCLEAR note of Chernobyl Ucraina.Fu in a terrible tragedy ... Thousands of dead air and contaminated water, soils and plants as well including, middle Europa.Mi remember that the risk for other nations were the fruit and vegetables, especially those leafy, high-risk contaminazione.Fu truly a great tragedy, following which in 1987 became a referendum in Italy to "for or against" the NUCLEAR. won much choice AGAINST ... certainly did not want to run the same risk, which unfortunately hit the unsuspecting inhabitants of Ukraine. The Italians (at least in those days!) Had many flaws ... but the skin kept us! And now what's going on? Why this post? E 'by about two weeks we see a TV spot sponsored by the "Forum on Nuclear Energy", which makes us see two chess players faced with a game, I would say virtuale.Il player with the white squares is FOR of nuclear power, while black is what moves v . And spot runs between the two opposing views of the two spots in avversari.Questo theory (I say in theory!) Should inform precisely on the two different beliefs about this issue ... (but is really a problem I wonder? There are other alternatives? You really change a thing we already decided in 87 ?...) Then in a next post I will show that the alternatives "there would be" ... Then I said .... that has happened
Blog: http://italianimbecilli.blogspot.com/ che io seguo già da molto tempo,in un post del 25 dicembre scorso,(il regalo di Natale.Grazie Coscienza Critica!) si è analizzato il MODO in cui questo messaggio-sondaggio agli Italiani, è stato posto.E' uscito fuori che qualcosa non torna.Ci sono dei sottili accorgimenti per far prevalere negli spettatori la convinzione che il NUCLEARE non è pericoloso,che è meglio,che ne abbiamo bisogno,che le SCORIE RADIOATTIVE non sono un problema ecc.ecc.Ora siamo nel 2010...da Chernobyl a oggi sono passati come ho detto 24 anni.
Non c'è un'altra Chernobyl odierna (ma ne siamo veramente sicuri?) non c'è un'impatto emotivo similar to that which we would remove all doubt unconditional ma.Ho read over 80 comments of that post and I invite you to do so, you will discover that we are not reassured by these securities that would have us go to that spot. To give you a fairly complete view of the facts, I propose a series of videos, which I hope will provide you with the information necessary to decide whether or not the event of a re-take the race to NUCLEAR Italia.Poi you add in some links "very interesting" on tema.Scusate if I was a little long this time, but this topic requires it, we talk about the HEALTH and not peanuts and figs secchi.Come ... I am for or against? Oh well. .. I think that there is no need to tell you! Namastè to all as always ...
Spot on nuclear
History of events:
"The consequences ...":
The famous "security" they are talking about ...:
http://www.9online.it/blog_emergenzarifiuti/2010/12/20/nucleare-se-il-ritorno-allatomo-e-una chess-playing-a-/ # more-14993
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