Friday, December 31, 2010
O Qué Significa De Pib Percapita
Hello to my country, Giurdignano.
I want to wish a Happy New Year to the entire population. A health
2011, 2011 of a peace, a peace of 2011, a 2011 union and collaboration, a 2011 made of inner growth ... ... ... a new year all the spirit of cooperation, development, feelings and 'to be true citizens. This year has elapsed
I represent the minority council has carried out its activities directed to monitor the effectiveness of the City Council and the formulation and outside of a political alternative to the existing one.
This year the council spent the minority that I represent has greatly contributed to realize contained in a state of our municipality, where there is established that ... ... The City of Giurdignano as part of its statutory autonomy legislation, organization and administration is committed to promoting the social and economic development of the community it represents and In particular, based its action to certain principles, such as
... ... ... ... .... the removal of all obstacles that impede the effective development of the human person and equality of individuals;
... ... ... ... promoting a culture of peace and cooperation;
... ... the recovery, protection and exploitation of natural resources, environmental, historical, cultural and local traditions;
.... the active protection of the person marked by the Social Solidarity, in cooperation with voluntary associations;
... ... ... ... ... .... the promotion of cultural activities, sports and leisure of the population ... etc.etc.etc. The Council Chamber of Giurdignano
Minority group and all have performed in the Heart of Giurdignano and perform in a serene, peaceful and clear up their task with responsibility and precise knowledge of the administrative life of the country.
I always thought, and I still do because I am more than convinced that it's easier ... .. pretend to do, roughly and superficial ... ... ... .... create a cloud of dust and make noise just for the sake of making noise! ... ... ... It is difficult, however, is .... knowledge is difficult to understand ... ... .. difficult thing is to keep all balances with attention to every single person with whom you relate daily, it is difficult to observe and respect and, then, again, respect without arrogance and conceit: ... ... ... .. the policy is but the people, personal relationships, estimation, the bonds, it remains, especially in a small community like Giurdignano ... ... and the way we do is always on time face in this direction: there is no person, no situation is, there is no necessity to which we were or remain indifferent and deaf.
We note, we respond, we support, we listen, we work together for the good of our country and, therefore, we're there on our territory, so determined and convinced we are. Very
we intend to achieve in this new year at hand: the fruits of what we have sown and continue to sow for the next harvest. ... but always together in agreement, united, and always believe that ... ... ... .. life is too short to waste time hating someone just for the fun of it and envy, the worst evil that winds in the community, not that is a stupid waste of time.
The year 2011 will see a new blog Giurdignano in the Heart, with a forum to promote civil debate on issues relating solely to the administrative life of our country, we will also have a newspaper-blog with information purposes only.
News, as I said, the result of work already begun by time, will keep on coming in this already wonderful 2011 ... ... .... And meanwhile, with great pleasure I wish you a happy new year to all and I am truly grateful.
Free Watchmario Solieri Films
Monday, December 27, 2010
Emcee Welcoming Speech Sample
BUT' ... LET THE BAD !!!....
Hello people! ... I'm here at the computer for a new adventure in the sea of \u200b\u200binformation! I'm munching on some pumpkin seeds ... package of 500 gr., Maturity 30/11/11...provenienza...Ucraina! As I was preparing for this new post, reading the origin of these humble seeds (I remember eating them at the cinema as a child!), I came a moment of panic I said, "and perhaps if they are also contaminated? ... " No. .. because if I remember correctly ... Chernobyl ... in Ukraine! Oh well ... 24 years have passed, but see what are you thinking! And then the very package that you just bought tonight ... But if tomorrow I wake up with your hands in the shape of pumpkins, it means that something was contaminated ... Now clearly I'm kidding ... although I should not, if only to respect for the dead of that tragic years (1986 ed) broke out of a reactor NUCLEAR note of Chernobyl Ucraina.Fu in a terrible tragedy ... Thousands of dead air and contaminated water, soils and plants as well including, middle Europa.Mi remember that the risk for other nations were the fruit and vegetables, especially those leafy, high-risk contaminazione.Fu truly a great tragedy, following which in 1987 became a referendum in Italy to "for or against" the NUCLEAR. won much choice AGAINST ... certainly did not want to run the same risk, which unfortunately hit the unsuspecting inhabitants of Ukraine. The Italians (at least in those days!) Had many flaws ... but the skin kept us! And now what's going on? Why this post? E 'by about two weeks we see a TV spot sponsored by the "Forum on Nuclear Energy", which makes us see two chess players faced with a game, I would say virtuale.Il player with the white squares is FOR of nuclear power, while black is what moves v . And spot runs between the two opposing views of the two spots in avversari.Questo theory (I say in theory!) Should inform precisely on the two different beliefs about this issue ... (but is really a problem I wonder? There are other alternatives? You really change a thing we already decided in 87 ?...) Then in a next post I will show that the alternatives "there would be" ... Then I said .... that has happened
Blog: che io seguo già da molto tempo,in un post del 25 dicembre scorso,(il regalo di Natale.Grazie Coscienza Critica!) si è analizzato il MODO in cui questo messaggio-sondaggio agli Italiani, è stato posto.E' uscito fuori che qualcosa non torna.Ci sono dei sottili accorgimenti per far prevalere negli spettatori la convinzione che il NUCLEARE non è pericoloso,che è meglio,che ne abbiamo bisogno,che le SCORIE RADIOATTIVE non sono un problema ecc.ecc.Ora siamo nel 2010...da Chernobyl a oggi sono passati come ho detto 24 anni.
Non c'è un'altra Chernobyl odierna (ma ne siamo veramente sicuri?) non c'è un'impatto emotivo similar to that which we would remove all doubt unconditional ma.Ho read over 80 comments of that post and I invite you to do so, you will discover that we are not reassured by these securities that would have us go to that spot. To give you a fairly complete view of the facts, I propose a series of videos, which I hope will provide you with the information necessary to decide whether or not the event of a re-take the race to NUCLEAR Italia.Poi you add in some links "very interesting" on tema.Scusate if I was a little long this time, but this topic requires it, we talk about the HEALTH and not peanuts and figs secchi.Come ... I am for or against? Oh well. .. I think that there is no need to tell you! Namastè to all as always ...
Spot on nuclear
History of events:
"The consequences ...":
The famous "security" they are talking about ...: chess-playing-a-/ # more-14993
Friday, December 24, 2010
Denise Milani Nipple Colour
How Much Does It Cost To Get A Color Weave
Il blog della G&T Orta Nova vi augura un Buon Natale e un Felice 2011
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Gamepreloaded On Memory Card
G&T Orta Nova - Juventus S.Michele 2-4
G&T Orta Nova: Tucci, Toscanelli, Gjokaj(Iagulli), Ricciardi, Lapenna, Ingannamorte, Laurenzano, Marano(Kwofie), Santoro (Perrotta), William Demartino (Ceglia).
Facilities: Roggia.
Coach: M. Lionetti.
We end with a defeat in 2010 by the Students of Mr.Lionetti, falling at home (the "joy" of Carapelle ed): this time against Juventus San Michele.
resumed his place in the field Toscanelli, and with him holding back Marano, Santoro and Laurenzano; Kwofie, Perrotta and Ceglia on the bench.
The game starts off uphill orthosis for children: 1 'The Apple is able to exploit an error in alignment of the defense and dissociates before Tucci. 0-1 and ball in the center. A few minutes later once again flies n.11 Foggia, after a read error fairly coarse and bags for 0-2. G & T seems low, inconsistent, but the reaction even if there is a little confusing. The ring is given by Santoro you free to shoot, perhaps illegally, and then by Toscanelli: Both conclusions are missing the face of goal. First time bad guys by the brace, but rifaranno in the second game of village.
The second half was much more spectacular formations and fighting to confront it openly and with no holds barred. At 45 'around the turning point of the match: Laurenzano takes twenty-five yards from the ball and kicks in the door with such violence and precision for the No. 1 foggiano there's nothing to do. 1-2 and game reopened. In the meantime, leave the field Gjokaj, Santoro, Demartino Marano and to make room for Iagulli (Lapenna with moving to left back and a central defender Guglielmo, ed), Perrotta, Ceglia and Kwofie. But the San Michele Mele The advantage of the race and once again marks. The hopes now seem lost, but Laurenzano invents a great punishment and the G & T runs under: kick from a tight angle on the right about twenty feet and seven finishes in the opposite trajectory. The emotions one after the other, but this time the expense is the T & G: the referee did not whistle a clear offside on No.11 and validate the goals of Foggia 2-4, amid protests by all. But it is still the team Ortese, despite everything, to become dangerous in two ways: first with Ceglia, which takes him to the door and then Iagulli missing the impact with the ball. The match will end with the result of 2-4, but certainly the end result is a little liar. It must be said that the boys have given orthoses throughout the first portion of the game to Foggia, in the second but we have tried so hard just to riagguantare the game and we almost succeeded, only disadvantaged by a decision of the arbitrators wrong. Now
well deserved Christmas break and then we will dive back into the championship with the hope to improve in the remaining ten games from here until March.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Mount Blade Warband Seri Number
G. Foggia Calcio - G & T Orta Nova 2-1
G & T Orta Nova: Di Benedetto, Monaco, Iannuzzi, Tortora, Raffaele Di Giorgio (bass), Miluzio, Chirichiello, Mastropiero, Manfredi, Earl.
Facilities: Di Gennaro, Brattoli, Caggianelli, Baccari, Comitogianni, Cavallone.
Coach: A. Tartaglia.
Fifth defeat of the season for the young of Mr.Tartaglia that, in anticipation of the first day of return, are defeated by the Youth Football Foggia 2-1.
The match starts and after just five minutes from Foggia is the team took the lead with a goal from a corner of Cannon. But the G & T is alive and reacts and demonstrates its superiority in the game: the Foggia rely very little on the long ball and phrasing. But despite the size of game, the boys do not reach orthoses to balance.
The second village is along the lines of the first and Youth who successfully exploited the placement of cannon and it was during one of which is slightly in contact with Monaco in the penalty area. For the race director is a penalty kick: 2-0 for GC Foggia. But the G & T comes immediately to balance: long free-kick by Raffaele, Monaco you find ready and shortens the distance. Despite the opportunities to be had Mastropiero, Conte, Bassano (replaced Di Giorgio, ed) and by the same captain Ortese (Monaco, ed) the tie does not come. Now the Christmas break and then Juventus San Michele.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
High Closed Cervix Before Period

Hi folks! The title The Mirror, I flashed to mind when I saw the full movie that I propose oggi.Si called "WE" in the U.S. that makes a Inglese.Cosa mirror? Simple ... makes us see how we realmente.Ci shows his face, body, imperfections that we all have ... some more and some meno.E if we look deep into her eyes, concentrating carefully before a mirror ... it may be that someone able to look deep inside, for what it really is what è.Questo WE.Ci faccia.La shows our true face of all of us, meaning "humanity." With all the mistakes (and the horrors I'd say. .) imperfections, mistakes, false beliefs and ideologies, hidden truths and exposes ripudiate.Ci as a medical diagnosis that draws on our malattia.E it soon becomes clear what is the disease mentioned in the film .
The POWER, The oppression of the few over the many, the profit at any cost and the hegemony of a few States to the rest of world.This are the evils that afflict us and if you do not stop in time will bring this planet .. .
our Mother Earth, the film is based on a distruzione.Il public discourse, a Great Persona.ROY ARUNDHATI.Scrittrice and activist against his GLOBALIZZAZIONE.Le are strong words, made even more powerful by the images they associate.Mi was very impressed, expressing humanity, while talking about terrible things . Without rancor, nor
violence, but with great confidence and determinazione.Poi
voi.Ci judge was given a great gift to us ... tutti.Un wonderful fantasy world where "everything" we were born, and that instead of preserve it, keep it and improve it in just over two hundred years, we are led to the collapse, the distruzione.Noi we have to live on this clod of earth ... we have no other ... ricordiamocelo! And we will have to live generations future.Cosa's will our children grandchildren and great-grandchildren? Chiediamocelo! Imagine that all of humanity, both as an immense
Condominio.L 'only difference between the condos that we all know, is that here the "Directors" never change, do not solve problems, and even ... have a vested interest to divide and incite people against each other, and then be able to do their dirty and selfish interests, and the most appropriate possibile.Alle Sometimes I think about "how much energy" to "how many resources,"
to "how smart" to "how likely" we save energy, to a small number of people who do not care the least of the others but think only of themselves, regardless of the consequences of their agire.Il POTERE e I SOLDI...queste sono le uniche cose che interessano a queste persone!Bisogna che la gente,i Popoli le grandi masse,si sveglino finalmente,e riprendano in mano la loro vita e il loro futuro.Non ci sono più scusanti.I mezzi per informarsi ci sono.I mezzi per comunicare tra noi ci sono.Se la Tecnologia non serve
a queste cose...allora a cosa serve?Qualcuno una volta disse,"La Conoscenza vi renderà liberi."E' vero!E' perfettamente vero.E' l'ultima chance che ci rimane.Spero che tutti abbiate capito il senso delle mie riflessioni.Ultima cosa...è molto bella e vera l'ultima frase del film: "Se ti dicono ciò che puoi vedere o leggere,significa che ti dicono ciò che puoi dire o pensare."
And now good movie! Namaste everyone! Skywatcher.
December 3, 2010 "WE" A musical documentary
pacifist and against war, imperialism, free trade, the Palestinian tragedy and the manipulation of power.
Based on a speech by Susanna Arundhati Roy was born in 1961 in Bengal in India and lives in New Delhi. His mother, an activist and Roman Catholic, has given a very liberal education. After graduating from Delhi School of Architecture, was Assistant to the National Institute of Urban Affairs Restoration of Monuments and studied in Florence. He also wrote several screenplays, but decided to dedicate himself exclusively to writing literary success. He won the Booker Prize in 1997 with "The God of Small Things," his debut novel which has been translated worldwide and has hailed as a major contemporary author. Now, however, is devoted to social and political and has become one of the leading figures in the protest in India. With a collection of essays, War and Peace, the title of the piece published in October on Outlook, the Indian Newsweek, has set fire to the Indian public opinion. The themes of the essays are the Indian nuclear policy, the war in Afghanistan, but especially a problem where Arundhati Roy has been involved in first person and for which he is facing a heavy sentence and a process: the question of irrigation and large dams designed to give light to some big cities, the Roy and many experts consider instead a devastation of the territory, a danger to the ecosystem, a tragedy for the millions of people who are forcibly translocated to go to swell the ranks of the unemployed and homeless who besiege the cities of India.
From channel video:
Saturday, November 27, 2010
How To Unblock Farmville News Feed On Facebook
AND NOW? ... An amazing story! ... Cruelty 'EVERY HUMAN HAS EXCEEDED LIMIT!
Hi people ... I never wanted to write a post like this ... but unfortunately in this world now, do not be surprised more than anything ... anything is possible ... even the unimaginable things for granted ... do not hesitate più.Bisogna be fully consapevoli.Avrei wanted to use the words SHARP POWERFUL and I had come in mente.Purtroppo am neither a journalist nor a degree in lettere.Mi'll just write with simplicity and clarity, possibile.Dunque what I do not know ... how many of you remember the famous American television series, entitled: "FLIPPER ." Perhaps if the recall those of my generation, those who now have more than 50 years.I 68 episodes, aired from 1964 to 1967, had as its protagonist, a young man, who was guarding a Marine Park south of Florida.Nella history were his two sons, Sandy and Bud.Quest 'last had befriended with a dolphin (Flipper ), and from there you sort out all the episodes of serie.C 'were always the bad guys, or some problem on the Park, and FLIPPER was the hero who helped solve the whole !
remember in those years, I followed all the episodes on TV, I was 11, and there were still Japanese cartoon type Ufo Robot, Mazinga ecc.Le stories were nice as the dolphin ... or "the dolphin". .. To turn the episodes, the production made use of specimens femmina.Primo because they were more docile to train, the second had no wounds on the skin as the males, due to fighting with opponents for the territory or to conquer the three femmine.Le "dolphins were called Suzy, Patty, and their trainer was Cathy.Il Richard O'Barry, and it was after the death of Cathy, who died in his arms, he decided to quit that lavoro.Si noticed that dolphins in captivity, did not live more than two anni.Si also realized that the Cathy's death, was a real "suicide." Unlike the men, dolphins can "decide" SE WHEN respirare.Cathy and decided to let die ...
Since then Richard O'Barry , knew what to do in vita.Diventò activist to fight his captivity captive of delfini.Nell 'first year of EARTH DAY in 1970, founded the Dolphin Project "in order to save the dolphins around the world from the capture and killing. Yes you read that right! killing! ... In our imagination we have ever seen dolphins as a species "intelligent" like monkeys and horses, if not più.Amici man, as well as "mammals ". Able to communicate with us, the subject of study for many years, by many scienziati.Simpatici and playful friends of the children who go to see them with their parents in various dolphins around the mondo.Bene with Richard ... his film-complaint " THE COVE "(The Bay), has unveiled an unspeakable monstrosity that is happening today in a small town in Japan: Taiji.Non I anticipate nothing, you'll see in the film sotto.Richard is risking his life with this film. The film premiered in Turin, with the Oscar at the exhibition " FILM FESTIVAL" this year. The film has released in its Channel Veoh, Youtube Belva64 after he had "censored" the embed code, preventing publication in various Blog.Ve I propose in this post, and add some links to learn more about FLIPPER and Richard O'Barry. When you bring your children in any dolphin or some water park where there are Dolphins remember ... This film.Namastè to tutti.Skywatcher.
note Tuesday, December 7: Given that Veoh had uploaded the movie CENSURATO by Belva64, as a result of the inability to find the embed code (the one that allows you to publish videos Blog) perpetrated by youtube, in his channel (and this in my house is called COMPLAINT! ) I decided to change the post.Non I liked having a video that you could not see, and I decided to show two videos of the trailer the film in question, the first to Current TV channel and the second from Fede1330. Reload the film directly in the blog (if I can ...) with what I want to say one last thing ... Veoh ... do not exist! Skywatcher.
For those wishing to see the whole movie, go to Youtube Channel: Playlist and click on "The Bay".
Additional links: _
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Female Doctor Checking Testicles

Ciao gente!Scusate il ritardo,ma con queste giornate piovose,senza sole,veramente "uggiose",
ho preferito dormicchiare un pò!Me ne scuso!Volevo mettere all'inizio del post, one of the last picture (with trails!) taken at Follonica in these giorni.Poi I decided instead to publish a picture taken in Rome, the demonstration against the wake-chimiche.Come it go? good for me!
Unfortunately the day since the morning was marred by rain continua.Dopo 10 years, I took the train! I do not remember the last time that there are salito.Durante the trip, I met some people simpatica.Ho saw the "courtesy ... "... Then the controllers complain about the problems they have with travelers! Never mind ... I said I met nice people, and a lady in Rome with her two children, I chat on the problem of chemical trails, and operations that are dietro.Naturalmente non sapeva assolutamente di ciò di cui stavo parlando!Questo è il problema.Nessuno sa niente!E gli organi di informazione non fanno niente per colmare questa lacuna,ci mancherebbe...Ora...piccolo ragionamento...Se delle scie in questi anni,ne avessero parlato poche persone,pochi siti internet,poche persone insomma...probabilmente la cosa si sarebbe smontata subito.Non sarebbe durata a lungo,e sarebbe (allora sì!)diventata una leggenda metropolitana,come tante altre.Il fatto però,è che su questo argomento,ci sono PROVE che a mio avviso sono ormai INCONFUTABILI.Ci sono dichiarazioni su Internet (anche di personaggi illustri politici,giornalisti,ricercatori,studiosi ecc.),ci sono documenti ufficiali,ci sono video,ci sono interviste,ci sono varie testimonianze,ci sono analisi dei terreni,dell'acqua ecc.E per giunta...da tutto il mondo.Ora una cosa così,come si fa a definirla una bufala?Una leggenda metropolitana?
Come si fa a deriderla?Forse tutti quelli che si occupano di queste cose,sono tutti pazzi,e si sono messi d'accordo in tutto il mondo per dire le stesse cose,rischiando il loro lavoro,la loro faccia e
la loro serietà?Io non credo.Poi c'è anche un'altra prova ancora più forte.La vostra OSSERVAZIONE DIRETTA.Voi stessi.Guardate il cielo e credete ai vostri occhi,se non credete a quelli degli altri.Io nei miei personali ricordi da quando avevo 10 anni fino ad oggi,non ho mai visto i nostri cieli così conciati come adesso.Poi possono inventare that is the exhaust of the aircraft, can tell us that contrails can call them "harmless veils" can make us believe that there have always been, but I no ... unfortunately I can not drink it! The other is not so.Non nessuno.Ognuno convince me has a brain thinking and reasoning, and can draw his own personal opinioni.Però first look at the facts I have listed and then draw your own conclusions as best credete.La event ... And then 'the first we did in Italy, and worldwide. (November 20 is World Day against chemical trails) cleverly the "square" ... let's call it square ... assigned to the event, even if in front of the palace of the province,
was little traffic of both people's car, and visibile.Comunque so little people there, even in the rain battente.Questo perhaps was the reason (rain and bad day) he did give up those living in other regions, more than 100 in all venire.Tutto people came to say manifestare.Poche voi.Non matter, sometimes the amount is not to say nulla.Io in the past I took part in a million people, and many of them did not even know what it was parlando.100 and more people, but are all aware and informed of the subject ... is better! We had the pleasure to meet many bloggers and many very respectable people, and of course the promoters and supporters of this event, Ivana
Mannino in testa.Ci sono stati molti scambi di opinioni,e-mail,indirizzi,volantini ecc.E' stato
un modo per vedersi di persona,scambiare le opinioni,apprendere nuove informazioni,e per me è
stato positivo.Ci sarà in futuro un'altra manifestazione su questo tema?Penso di si.Questo è stato il primo sassolino lanciato nello stagno.Ha fatto una piccola onda,sta a noi agli attivisti a chi si occupa in prima persona di queste cose,a far sì che questa piccola onda, diventi uno Tsunami di consapevolezza e informazione.Sotto c'è il video che ho girato.Alzate più spesso gli occhi al cielo!
Namastè a tutti!Skywatcher.
Il video da me girato a Roma:
Another video of the event from Youtube Channel:
Two more videos from YouTube channel: http: / / / user / romaunita
Friday, November 12, 2010
Pottery Barn Replacement Slipcovers
Follonica Friday, November 12, 2010 ore 16.10.Zona Ind.le "The barrel
Follonica November 12, 2010 at 16.20. Beach Senzuno.
Hello people! As you can see from the poster that opens this post, Nov. 20 next Saturday, there will be in Rome starting at 14:00, a demonstration against the Scie-chimiche.Noi of HEAVEN BLUE'll be there, and documented everything with photos and video.Non we expect crowds of hundreds of thousands of people, as in large industrial action, but we were even 1000 or 5000 people, is an important first step, to bring to the attention people of this serious problem, which afflicts us, and with us the whole world by now too many anni.Dal 1995 to be exact. Now there should be no more doubts about this argomento.Basta information on Internet and do some research to see the amount of information, documents , videos and even authoritative pronouncements that affect the chemical trails.
Despite the disinformation and various debunkers, still trying to ridicule and mock people who take "seriously" in this problem all over the mondo.Si are scrambling ormai.Non still be able to hide the truth to people molto.La svegliando.Quello is what happened with the September 11, 2001, with the official versions of the buffalo, so goes the wakes for the people chimiche.Finalmente comicerà to understand what is behind this evil plan and criminale.Ieri evening, broadcast a TV movie I've seen a few years ago: "The Manchurian Candidate" with Denzel Washington and John Voigt.Rivedendolo now with other eyes with the knowledge that I have now, I realized that what about the film, is far from the current situation we are vivendo.La reality of today is infinitely ahead of the events mentioned in this film.Politica, intrigue, intelligence, military, conspiracy, microchip, mental manipulation ecc.Basta read to realize, is more than "science fiction" oggi.Considerate the reality of this film, was released in 1962! Interpreted by Frank Sinatra and based on a novel by Richard Condon's 1952! The remake of the film, I mentioned earlier, was released in 2004, and adapted to the events of our times: the Gulf War ecc.Oggi know that there is a "Elite" that controls the world, which has the goal of global control of the masses with a single government: NWO.Con a single army, a trade organization World Bank unica.Con unica.La famous "Globalization." The States lose their autonomy and their sovereignty popolare.Le constitutions of various countries will straccia.E paper this is happening, we are aware of or already no.Questo project was conceived many years ago, the so called "enlightened" of which has been mentioned The Minister Tremonti, and the President of the Republic Napolitano.Ora why all this talk? Because of the projects of these "hidden elites" (now a bit less ...) is the "climate control". In English "Owning the Weather". Look in Rete.Progetto which was initiated by the military, who expect to be able to control the global climate, by 2025.Quindi it comes to weather manipulation, including the trails and the HAARP project, chemical, are an integral part, beyond the correlation with the GMOs, Monsanto, vaccines and so on. It was also the General Fabio Mini, which you can find the interview on the Net. You see that these things are serious and real, ravings of conspiracy theorists and not abstruse or sick or allucinati.Quindi is important to act and make our voices heard, as long as there is consentito.Non expect ... In other parts of the world are already facendo.Ne is our health, that of our children, our loved ones and friends . Fortunately, in this world that is going as you know, there is an immune system that is called: Activism, Awareness, Awareness, Research Verità.Facciamolo funzionare.Ho included in your post also between those two photos taken yesterday, in my city, to show that the problem occurs when we talk every day incessantemente.Quando hear the sound of an airplane, your homework and look at the sky above your heads, and you will see for yourself that what I say è la verità.Ho inserito anche due video, dei 7 che sono stati pubblicati su Youtube,sul film-documentario di Michael.J.Murphy:"What in the world are they spraying?".
Il film sta uscendo in questo mese in America.Su Youtube c'è solo la versione in Inglese,ma già vedendo le immagini e le foto di scie-chimiche contenute nel film,vi renderete conto che sono uguali alle foto e ai video che io,come tanti altri,pubblichiamo nei nostri post e nei nostri canali Youtube,sulla situazione in Italia.Sono perfettamente uguali.Quello che fanno negli U.S.A. lo fanno in tutto il mondo,in maniera identica.Il canale su cui potrete trovare tutti e 7 i video è:
Spero che qualche "anima buona"...traduca questi video e li sottotitoli in Italiano,perchè penso che questo film difficilmente lo vedremo nelle nostre sale doppiato in Italiano,come già è accaduto per l'altro film "Toxic Skyes",che non si trova nemmeno in DVD.
Vi ringrazio della vostra pazienza,ma tanto vi dovevo dire.Alzate più spesso gli occhi al cielo!Namastè a tutti!Skywatcher.
Monday, November 8, 2010
New York City Queens Court House

Chi sono i Debunkers e i Disinformatori?

people might wonder why the picture of the tragedy of 11 September 2001. Why
to 9 years, was not written the final word on the responsibilities of that disaster, which has caused memory vittime.Il 2974 speech debunkers and disinformation is in close connection with this tragedy and other tragedies happened in Italy, which unfortunately bene.Attentati know, strange deaths, strange accidents hits from the 70s onwards, perhaps prima.Solo that in those years, the misinformation was called by another name: depistaggio.La truth in the world and in our country, has always been latitante.La then television, has contributed much to quell the criticism and discrimination of the facts, by telespettatori.Ascoltiamo news, and what he says that electronic box that we all more or less at home, is pure gold, is the absolute truth, not contraddicibile.L ' September 11th, we were told, was a terrorist act and this is absolutely vero.Uccidere 2974 people is just terrorism, there is no doubt arises dubbio.Il "who" has made this act infame.Io I followed like a million people in the world, the story live in the moment they happened, in Tv.Sembrava almost a movie in the beginning. I could scarcely believe it was the reality, as I think has happened to many of voi.Poi jumped out of Osama Bin Laden, monster that has made all this, the danger No. 1 in the world, the evil we all have ASSOLUTO.E creduto.Abbiamo believed to terrorists hijacked airplanes, the whole complex plan set up by these people for violating the largest world power and humiliate her in front of the mondo.Poi everything else has come to conseguenza.Guerra in Iraq and Afghanistan, with all the dead that you know, shrinkage of individual freedoms, checks, anthrax, denunciations, generalized fear of further attacks, etc. . And every day the word more pronounced in TG, was "terrorism." Then over the past 9 years, slowly, especially on the Internet, have come out new approaches, new scenarios of how they performed "really" the facts . Journalists courageous people around the world, conducted investigations scomode.Trovato new elements, new facts that clash with the truth in a radical way ufficiali.E know better than me that we are all conditioned by the official truth, if not all, most people from what we see on television, from what we read in newspapers, discussions on Bar ecc.Lo can find yourself talking to gente.Quando "a" truth is wedged in collective thinking, it is difficult to uprooting or correggibile.Lo you can do today, if one really wants it, on the Internet. Information, reading, visiting dozens of sites, beginning to regain the power of discrimination that we all have, thinking, doing work our brain, without preconceptions and without indoctrination media vari.Tutto this discussion brings us to this node are the debunkers? Who are the disinformation? They are skeptical? Direi.Uno skeptic is not he that believeth not only in the presence of hard facts, evidence, data, common sense reasoning, theories and possible condivisibili.Vediamo closely that these are defined disinformation on the Net or Debunkers.Tempo ago, there was a conference on 11 September, including the editor of Nexus Publishing, Tom Wood and Paul Attivissimo, a member of CICAP in refutation of theories that the uninformed call "conspiracy". I "conspiracy" are for them, quelli che non credono alle verità ufficiali,e credono invece a una vera e propria cospirazione,messa in atto dagli stessi governi o militari.E tentano in ogni modo di tranquillizzarci dicendoci: "ma no..che vai a pensare! E' tutto a posto,non preoccuparti,non ci sono misteri,stai tranquillo!E' tutto in ordine,è tutto spiegabile.La verità è questa,non ce ne sono altre."Così come per l'11 settembre,lo fanno con le scie-chimiche,con i vaccini,con gli UFO,con i cambiamenti climatici,con l'effetto serra e via dicendo.Il regista Massimo Mazzucco ha fatto un film sull11 settembre,dal titolo:"11 Settembre 2001. Inganno globale"che espone tutti i dubbi sorti dopo la versione ufficiale,sulla dinamica e sui fatti di questa tragedia.Film that "obviously" was opposed by supporters of the official truth, but the pain that you all varrebe vedeste.Penso that it would help a lot in the search for verità.Lui said the conference I mentioned above, and it did with a film of about 1 hour that I propose in the Channel 4 shares taken from youtube: I give you a link from the blog: http://sphaeralux.blogspot . com / a post that is the question of debunkers, who will explain very well who they are and where they act:
For the rest I suggest you to inform you Rete.Se one wants, you will find all information about any topic or event you interessi.Basta cercare.Non expect others to darvele.Buona visione.Namastè.Skywatcher.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Dried Apricots For Cold Sores
BLUE GOLD The ... "TRUE" necessity for every living being.
Hello World! Once again I am dealing with water. I did it in a post last July, with the video: "The secrets of water." This time the talk is a little diverso.Qui it comes to water from water bere.Di understood as "essential" and "essential" for life of every living being on this planet, including plants.
Perhaps we do not realize fully the importance of this wonderful "thing", in which we are all born, we are made of 70% which is called acqua.Non realize it, because "for now ..." is available to all, at least in our country, in Europe and the world generally occidentale.Sì, there are problems here too ... for the privatization, pollution of groundwater, the costs of the bills ... but anyway bottle water on the table every day, do not miss anyone! And what happens in the rest of the world? What is the situation and how will the future? A few weeks ago, I bought a book with attached DVD, a title Internet.Il is "FLOW.Per love the water." Bellissimo! Despite the gravity of what parla.Ve consiglio.Vi will understand how it is actually the world situation, with information, interviews with scientists to economists and so on. Now I wish for a moment you closed your eyes and your imagination, you thought that the water ... più.Siete is not at home, you realize that you've finished, and you have to go out for rifornirvene.Andate the supermarket where you buy it regularly, and is ... over! Shelves and pallets are empty! Then take a can of cannellini near the plastic and go home vostra.Niente! the taps does not come completely to a goccia.Sono secco.Tornate home, intending to drink than tap water for cooking, lack of something else. You know that drinking water that define, in reality is really disgusting to berla.Al most we can cook the pasta or washing dishes, or farvici the shower or the washing machine ... but not even thinking about drinking it ! Even the cinnamon rolls out of the house a drop! So what would you do in this nightmare? You know that man can not resist more than two days without drinking . It 'tried scientificamente.Cosa imagine what would happen if you actually happen in a near future, even too far? There are people in the world, this nightmare, they're living every day ... "NOW".
The next war will not be for oil, nor energy, nor for the money, and perhaps even the will to cibo.Si water! Think and Think bene.Senza oil does not go by car, not Energy will not build the plastica.Senza money we'll manage somehow modo.Se we will no shortage of food to eat less, we will change our habits, we will pull the cinghia.Ma without water you die! And now look closely divided on this film 6 videos from Youtube channel: thank him publicly for the valuable work of information che sta facendo.Il titolo del film è:
Oro blu: il diritto di interrompere il furto delle Società idriche mondiali.
Buona visione.Namastè a tutti!Skywatcher.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Where Do People Get Custom Waffle Makers

Hello gente.Mi sorry if anyone will be bothered by this photo, but this is the truth, and truth, it is also terribly bad can not be nascondere.Questa photo was taken, along with many others, after the operation "lead time", carried out in the Gaza Strip in late 2008 and continued until mid-January 2009.Operazione military 'Israeli army, in order to hit the "terrorism." In this picture, however, does not seem to see a dangerous terrorist ... it was a (as now called) Effect Collaterale.Cioè was a disgrace ... the target was the dangerous terrorists, but unfortunately we have gone half as well as civilians inermi.Mi seems that this thing we've heard in recent years, other situations elsewhere in the world ... Too bad these "side effects", have killed more than 1000 people during this operation, including many children, and which also is under fire internationally for 'use of unconventional weapons, like white phosphorus bombs ecc.Ora, we have a person in Gaza ... a journalist who has informed us on time, risking his life every day, via his blog: http
: / / / which is listed as one of my personal blog, and that at that time wrote a book: "Gaza human remains." This journalist, I consider a hero, his name is Vittorio Arrigoni, who was assigned last Monday, 4 , Witness for Peace Award "2010 Rachel Corrie" or better ... it was delivered into the hands of his parents, since he is still Gaza.Allora ... why all this talk stage? Why must really try to
understand where they are the "truth" ... 7 last Thursday, was held in Rome a demonstration in favor of Israel, which was attended by well-known names in the politics of spectacle and also culture, including Roberto Saviano, the author of Gomorrah certainly all know that leads to the battle against camorra.Bene to begin this journey in search of Truth, "which is now heralded by all in our country and the world ... (even out of turn), I propose
a series of videos that explain the problem in a clear and understandable, the first of which, is the answer via video on Roberto Saviano by Vittorio Arrigoni.Il according to the daily situation in which Palestinians live, the third video contains shocking images . If you are sensitive do not watch it, but if you want to know the truth, brace yourself and watch video tutto.Gli last 7 are the detailed explanations of how he created the Palestinian problem from the beginning, described by journalist Paul Barnard, who was also known name in the information. He worked a few years ago in the drafting of reports by Milena Gabanelli on RAI 3, conducting investigations "uncomfortable." Thank you for your patience in watching all the videos, but it is the believe otherwise.
Namastè to tutti.Skywatcher.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Nail Polish Remover Safe For Pregnancy

Hello World ! include a trail and the other, I would like to take this time to farmaci.Di BIG PHARMA to be exact. Why this topic? A YouTube user channel in which I joined, the second he opened the first because he ... I have been censored and forwarded to some video of a mini-documentary, sponsored among others from Tuscany, I have seen that incuriosito.E it comes to drugs and multinational business and market, I viewed them carefully, and I thought it was the case even propose it voi.Io personally try to avoid possible drugs, even though I recognize that in extreme cases it can be done meno.Cerco especially good health, so as not to have helped a lot bisogno.Mi Valdo Vaccaro's book "Natural Power" after which vegeteriano I became convinced, and I'm giving more emphasis to the Veganismo.Ma personali.E these are my opinions so I try to eat in a healthy way and just to help my immune system, so as to prevent disease and not have to then you need farmaci.Ritornando of the video, talking about the overall situation with regard to drugs and their availability, especially by the peoples of the third world.And me is primarily interested in the economic side, the market that is behind all of the data are questo.Ci that creepy, and situations that should not esistere.Per retaliation I wanted to add a video, denouncing the scandal of large pharmaceutical companies, which are commonly known as BIG PHARMA.Un cartel of multinational drug companies, which only affects the profit. I think we are still turning in Hippocrates tomba.Visti even the latest scandals of pharmaceutical informants, who were "bestowed" by companies, big prize holiday, Rolex, bonus hard cash and other little things, because "pint" at medici.Ma certain medications that is another story, and you can easily find on the internet cercate.Allora if I can only tell you good vision, and try to stay healthy ! If you want to you can fare.Namastè tutti.Skywatcher.
October 6, 2010 A documentary by Michael Mallari and Alessandro Rossi
For nearly fifteen million people in developing countries die of easily curable diseases? There are about forty thousand people a day: a packed football stadium during a cup final. A daily massacre which could easily be avoided. Why this happens? The streets of drugs is a documentary that tries to answer, in terms of economic, political, medical and social support to this question. Access to essential medicines and life saving would have to be guaranteed for all. The documentary tries to investigate the problem on a worldwide gathering footage from the four corners of the planet and using a complex and uncompromising film language.
Testimonianze su come le case farmaceutiche non ci vogliono in buona salute e commercializzano farmaci inutili o addirittura dannosi con la complicità, spesso, dei medici. Tratto dal film "Storia del cancro", in preparazione su
Monday, October 4, 2010
How To Make My Inner Lips Smaller
Abbiamo ricevuto un e-mail da Massimo Rodolfi,fondatore dell'Associazione ATMAN e della DRACO EDIZIONI,che insieme promuovono questa Conferenza dal titolo "Scie in cielo,timori sulla Terra".Accettiamo I gladly give this event, which has already been published on many Blog.Chi is interested in this issue and has time, he had the opportunity to deepen his knowledge, there will be participating in this Conferenza.Se can we go to Heaven Blu.Un thanks to Massimo for Rodolfi segnalazione.Skywatcher.

Modena: chemtrails Conference on October 7 at 21
On 7 October 21, 2010 at a conference held in Modena on chemtrails pm in Room 21 Garden village in via Marie Curie 22 / a.
Giorgio Pattera (Biologist and Journalist) vice president of Galileo
Domenico Azzopardi (1 Marshal Expert Weather Air Force)
Massimo Rodolfi (Publisher Book: Chemtrails: The Hidden Truth. Trials )
The conference organized by 'Association Atman and Draco Edizioni, WebTV will be broadcast live by the Common Good:
Posted by corrado-Friday, September 24, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Pixelprotector Bluray
Hello World! The excellent Blog: I suggest this interesting post, which talks about the issues involved in blue sky.
The picture is quite disturbing, but there is a solution that we can "everything" to put in place ... as long as we want it and give us a good wake volta.O want to end up destroying our planet? Up to you Decision finale.Se do not do something "NOW" ... after it will be too tardi.Spegniamo television and go out from the dream that we have imposed! Namastè to tutti.Skywatcher.
Monday, September 20, 2010 1 20 / 09 / 2010 10:08
Intentional Integrated Pollution
To date, the hypothesis that chemtrails are a useful carrier for a process of transformation silenziosa del nostro pianeta, sembra essere l’ipotesi più plausibile. Ci sono molti indizi su come sia stata orchestrata un’operazione di rimodellazione della vita sulla Terra che mira a riconfigurare l’ecosistema tutto per renderlo qualcosa di profondamente diverso da come lo conoscevamo. Questa colossale operazione di rimodellazione o terraformazione (1) utilizza molti strumenti per la sua riuscita: l’ingegneria genetica, le emissioni di onde elettromagnetiche, l’inquinamento bio-chimico, le nanotecnologie, la gestione delle risorse, la comunicazione. Il fattore che più ci ha sorpreso è stato quello dell’utilizzazione sistematica dei media: il cinema, la musica, la televisione, la moda, la letteratura but also the architecture and urban design, are the preferred means of conveyance of instances of striking for their novelty and the ultimate meaning of the messages that underlie below a thin cover more and more symbolic in view, we imagine, a Full and peremptory epiphany. This bombardment of communication elements permeating, in addition to a compelling purpose and a distraction, even an obvious end evocative (2).
The deal does not seem to leave anything to chance, and proceeds with a program of synchronized events in the various sectors of public life, which tend to the establishment of an authoritarian regime with paramilitary task of population control e delle risorse che però non va confuso con il fine ultimo di queste azioni. Contemporaneamente, tutti gli ambiti della nostra vita spirituale e materiale sono pervasi dall’inquinamento sistematico effettuato tramite il rilascio di mezzi vettore finalizzati ad operare la trasformazione nella sfera vitale terrestre. Il fatto che l’operazione abbia bisogno dell’appoggio sistematico delle armi di persuasione più o meno occulta ci lascia paradossalmente un filo di speranza. Evidentemente è temuta, da coloro che compiono questa azione e dai loro mandanti, una qual forma di resistenza che cercano quindi di ridurre al minimo con tecniche di coercizione mentale più o meno invasive. Dobbiamo ammettere che gran parte dell’umanità non è only prepared to accept this change, but even so wishes! Other humans, even worried, but they feel protected by a filter of our own historical and cultural species, unaware of the small cover that allows it. Our history (including the thought) is very little in the face of such a connection and in fact most do not even seem to notice the 'firepower' to which we are subjected.
The propaganda machine works at full speed: GMOs (3), for example, were presented in principle as the solution to the problem of hunger in the world (remember?) And chemtrails were often associated with operations aimed at mitigating the so-called cambiamento climatico (geoingegneria) in una operazione di condizionamento mentale tanto subdola quanto efficace. Sappiamo bene quale sia il fine delle coltivazioni OGM così come dubitiamo sulle reali intenzioni di chi irrora i cieli (ed i corpi) con mix chimici-organici.
Resta da chiarire l’annoso problema: chi è quell’umano che non riesce a rendersi conto che sta contribuendo ad affondare la barca su cui egli stesso naviga? Le ipotesi che rimangono sono tre: o l’umano in questione non naviga sulla stessa barca in cui navighiamo tutti (possiede un’arca di Noè?) o ha deciso comunque di suicidarsi oppure è un essere “anfibio” e cioè è pronto a prosperare nel nuovo reshaped the world. Yes, because this process of remodeling is irreversible, nothing will ever be: the exceptional biodiversity of the planet has created thousands of years of natural history and may not be reproduced in the laboratory as soon as possible!
The small slice of humanity that he has noticed the problem so that the duties relate to its sphere of ethics: it must continue to seek and disseminate the results of his research. It must also oppose this change adversely affecting the foundations of its intimate nature. Many humans have been seduced to accept this change, with promises of a long and serene life in an environment filled with artificial stimuli. We know that science and technology have been used against ourselves in ways difficult to understand: they are areas of exclusive prerogative of the ruling elite that address the billions allocated in those areas in a completely top-down, well away from social control.

our word and our rights are nothing compared to the pressure exerted by this operation, but a way to curb all there and is related to the power of our spiritual sphere: a sphere of which we still know but that is obviously very much feared by the framers of such changes. Our deep opposition to the proposed new system could be implemented to prevent such a scenario. Maybe "they" need some form of appeasement and call on our part and this could explain the "hunt" that applied against those who have 'charisma', a quality considered to be very important. More our quality much feared altruistic concern our sphere: love, generosity, dedication, mutual support, empathy, and maybe it's appropriate to get to work in this sense, no? However, the events go, we would not feel to have wasted our time. That everyone let him: perhaps this is why we are now six billion and half people! Let us act now. What is the model proposed by them to us? E 'that of a man isolated, cold, sterile, aggressive instincts and satisfied in his demeaning. It 'a being-directed, a' teletabisica '(Teletubbies), which obeys the pulse of radio waves and living, in a natural-looking plastic, a life insane preprogrammed as accurate as depressing. A world in which God only child (again) marks the hours of day and where the high repeater stations hypnotic pulse, peremptorily induce obedience. And do not think that their world is only the fruit of the creative writer!
(3) . htm