Sunday, March 13, 2011
Can Diane 35 Cause Breast Enlargement
Sant'Onofrio - G & T Orta Nova 4-0
G & T Orta Nova: Roggia Gjokaj (Marano), Toscanelli Ingannamorte, Vece, Lapenna, Laurenzano, William Demartino (Santoro) Klose (Mastropiero) Iagulli (Ceglia).
Facilities: Tucci.
Coach: M. Lionetti.
Referee: V. Di Giovine
The recovery of the sixteenth day of the championship is finally done and saw the Sant'Onofrio win 4-0. First time with the locals a 1-0 advantage in penalty and not taken for knockdown of Iagulli. In the second half outweigh the reasons for the salvation of the Gargano and the others arrive reti: una su colpo di testa, l'altra su rigore inesistente e l'ultima in posizione irregolare. Da segnalare l'atteggiamento indisponente e poco umile degli atleti del Sant'Onofrio che non hanno avuto il benché minimo rispetto per i calciatori ortesi. Dobbiamo ricordare quante volte è stato fatto il viaggio per San Giovanni Rotondo per giocare questa partita? Rinviata una prima volta il 23 gennaio, poi ancora il 23 febbraio e finalmente giocata oggi 13 marzo. Non si sarebbe potuto giocare sul campo "A", come è capitato per la partita dei Giovanissimi (svoltasi il 16 gennaio 2011, ndr) con un risparmio di tempo e denaro? Ormai quel che è stato è stato, ma se si fosse giocato come da calendario, la partita avrebbe avuto un epilogo sicuramente different, given the many absences in the house Ortese.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Milena Velba Miosotis Bad
G & T Orta Nova - G. Salvemini Manfredonia 1-2
G & T Orta Nova: Di Benedetto, Iannuzzi, Caggianelli, Chirichiello, Raffaele Di Giorgio, Cavallone, Tortora, Mastropiero, Miluzio, Earl.
Facilities: Di Gennaro, Brattoli, Patanella, Comitogianni, Santamaria, Bassano, Taronna.
Coach: A. Tartaglia.
Unica network Mastropiero orthosis.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
When Taking Nifedipine Can I Take Excedrin
G. Salvemini Manfredonia - G & T Orta Nova 1-1
G. Salvemini Manfredonia: Carulli, Balzano, Guerra S, Tomasone, All Saints, Guerra M, Bridget, Totaro M, Cross, Salvemini, Basta.
Facilities: Exposed, Manfredi, La Torre, De Marinis, Totaro P, Edwards, Vero.
Coach: A. Trombetta.
G & T Orta Nova: Tucci, Vece, Toscanelli, Ricciardi, Lapenna, Ingannamorte, Ceglia, Kwofie (Marano), Demartino (Laurenzano), Klose (William), Perrotta.
Facilities: Canal, Gjokaj, Ferrone, Iagulli.
Coach: M. Lionetti.
Referee: G. Labellarte di Foggia.
L'anticipo dell'ultima giornata di campionato finisce in parità, sul risultato di 1-1. Mr.Lionetti decide di schierare di nuovo dal primo minuto Lapenna, Kwofie e Perrotta a discapito di Guglielmo, Laurenzano e Ferrone. Per il resto tutti confermati.
La partita comincia su ritmi abbastanza alti, nonostante il terreno di gioco, impregnato d'acqua a causa della pioggia, non permetta grandi triangolazioni. Ma di fatto la prima a rendersi pericolosa è la formazione sipontina grazie ad una bella azione di Croce, che riesce a sgusciare tra i difensori ortesi, ma la sua conclusione non è pericolosa. Poi è il turno della G&T: Perrotta controlla e calcia verso la porta da fuori area; il tiro, che altro non era che un filtrante mal calibrato per Demartino, scende in direzione della porta difesa da Carulli e colpisce in pieno la traversa. Poi ritorna in campo e Demartino la tocca: la sua posizione non è regolare. E' ancora Croce a creare i maggiori pericoli per la retroguardia ortese: sarà lui a procurarsi il tiro da dischetto (su fallo di Ingannamorte, poi ammonito, ndr) che uno dei gemelli Totaro, Matteo in questo caso, trasformerà.
La seconda frazione si apre con un piglio diverso per i ragazzi ortesi, vogliosi di rimettere la partita verso i giusti binari. Ci prova prima Ceglia, ma non va. Poi su una punizione calciata da Ceglia, la palla prende la traversa e nel batti-e-ribatti generale, la spunta Lapenna che spinge la palla in rete di testa, siglando il suo primo gol stagionale. Poi la partita, fino a quel punto abbastanza corretta, comincia a innervosirsi e a farne le spese saranno Perrotta e Totaro Matteo, entrambi espulsi per reciproche scorrettezze. Ma le squadre, nonostante siano in dieci, cercano ugualmente il gol della vittoria, anche se è la G&T ad avere maggiormente da reclamare, viste le occasioni mancate di Laurenzano (entrato al posto di Demartino, ndr): una, dopo un bello scambio con Ceglia e l'altra su punizione; entrambe alte sopra la traversa. Per il nervosismo eccessivo sarà espulso, dopo una mischia in area, anche l'altro Totaro, Pierpaolo. Prossimo impegno è il Sant'Onofrio, nel recupero della sedicesima giornata di campionato, with which students enter into a league of Mr.Lionetti more than decent.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Pink And Purple Wrestling Shoes
Real S. John - G & T Orta Nova 5-0
G & T Orta Nova: Di Benedetto, Monaco, Santamaria (Caggianelli) , Tortora, Raffaele Di Giorgio, Cavallone (Count) , Chirichiello, Mastropiero, Miluzio, Bassano ( Manfredi ).
Facilities: Di Gennaro, Brattoli, Patanella, Comitogiani.
Coach: A. Tartaglia.
Despite the ugly debacle in St. John, the youngest to reach salvation through the defeat of the Youth Football G. Salvemini Manfredonia Foggia against .
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G & T Orta Nova - Real St. John 2-1
G & T Orta Nova: Tucci, Vece, Toscanelli Ferrone (Kwofie), William, Ingannamorte ( Lapenna) Laurenzano (Perrotta), Ricciardi, Demartino (Santoro), Klose (Iagulli) Ceglia.
Facilities: Canal, Marano.
Coach: M. Lionetti.
Real St. John Biancifiore Iannone, Merla, Pompilio, Scarano, Hood, Scirpoli, Martin, Palumbo, Marchesani, Russian.
Facilities: Delli Muti, Dragon, Pavin, De Cata, D'angelo.
Coach: P. Germano.
finally saved! The journey home (which led to four wins, two draws and five defeats for a total of fourteen points, ndr) of the Students of Mr.Lionetti concludes with a comeback victory against the Real St. John.
Subs Lapenna, Kwofie, Canal and Marano, Tucci in the field they go between the posts, and Ferrone Klose Ceglia in midfield and up front, William is back on the defensive line.
The game immediately starts strong with Real to become dangerous by Palumbo and the incursions of Russian, but the defense, despite some Affan holds: in one of these occasions it is Toscanelli to save on the goal line, a goal already. But a few minutes after arriving guest with the advantage that the usual Palumbo is unprepared and the two central door pierces the defense Tucci. G & T seems to suffer the backlash, but begins to create great textures ball on the ground, even if the tips do not seem quite incisive: a couple of occasions and at the same happen to Ceglia Demartino. But now the team seems in bad day, so much so that the first half ended without much excitement.
The recovery will be a completely different direction. Confirmed the eleven original, the kids immediately received orthoses to balance. Demartino riceve palla e allarga sulla destra dove trova Ricciardi; questi crossa nel mezzo, ma la traiettoria termina sul palo e torna in campo. Ceglia si avventa sulla sfera e, incrociando, trafigge Biancofiore per l'1-1. Ma dopo pochi minuti, il capitano Ingannamorte, dopo un contrasto aereo, è costretto ad abbandonare il terreno di gioco per un infortunio al ginocchio sinistro (occorso durante la caduta, ndr): al suo posto entra Lapenna. La difesa viene poi rivoluzionata con l'entrata in campo di Kwofie per Ferrone: Lapenna e Vece sono i due nuovi centrali, Toscanelli rimane a sinistra e il neoentrato si posiziona a terzino destro. Al 55' circa Demartino riceve la sfera sulla trequarti e senza pensarci tanto serve Ceglia nello spazio. L'attaccante Class '95 controls the ball well, moves towards the opposing goal and with a beautiful platter signature on the seventh goal of the season that is overtaking. A few minutes later a shot of Laurenzano could bring the G & T 3-1 on a pity that the ball has touched the intersection of the poles. They come every few minutes apart for Laurenzano Perrotta, Santoro and Demartino Iagulli for Klose. G & T will continue to grind the game and produce some scoring chances: William shoots out into the 70 '. For guests to report a beautiful potted plant Russo, face to face with Tucci, turn up the lob, but the No. 1 orthosis is reactive and does not pass. Then the Real will be in ten for the expulsion of Martin and the G & T will have another opportunity to score the third goal of the day: Santoro hits a shot safe, but the ball will rebound before it comes into port. At the end of the race is finally time for the celebration of achievement and hugs and handshakes, the space is also the final hola. Next is the commitment G. Salvemini Manfredonia.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Does Keri Hilson Have Weave
Sant'Onofrio - G & T Orta Nova
The recovery of the sixteenth day of the championship has been postponed again due to wind.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
How Do I Clean Off Mould From A Tent Trailer

Salve gente! Ancora una volta sono qui a riparlare di SCIE-CHIMICHE su Follonica e dintorni.
Sembra che il nostro nostro bellissimo Golfo, sia obbiettivo prediletto dai nostri "spruzzamerda" di fiducia. Non mancano occasione per regalarci cieli "artistici" come non si possono immaginare. E' anche un modo di incentivare l'ispirazione artistica di nuovi talenti, che avranno molti spunti per creare nuove tendenze in painting, worthy of international exhibitions of contemporary art, as well as to psychiatric institutions for the recovery of people with brain disorders tend to pure masochism, and I'm not talking about the obvious talent! Those that follow are photos of the day of 22 February, from early morning until late afternoon, but I could have gone even further, with the time. These gentlemen are true "workaholic" work! Day and night ... never stop! What dedication! Really commendable ... ... But no one scioperetto to the bitter end, eh? ... A resurgence of awareness of the moral and personal dignity, to say "Enough!" no eh? ... Oh well! You see that "they" do not live on this Pianeta. Non respirano la nostra aria. Non bevono la nostra
stessa acqua e non mangiano i nostri stessi cibi, intossicati dalle schifezze che ci vomitano tutti i giorni sulla testa. Beati loro! Noi purtroppo, su questo pianeta ci dobbiamo vivere, finchè non potremo trasferirci su un altro, magari intatto da politici, militari e banchieri.
Mah!...Quasi quasi...vado in Messico!...Là magari ci sono solo le nuvole...almeno spero...
Namastè a tutti! Skywatcher.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Unlock Catan Cities Knights
G & T Orta Nova - Bold Cerignola 0-2
G & T Orta Nova: Di Benedetto, Monaco, Iannuzzi, Tortora, Raffaele Di Giorgio, Miluzio, Chirichiello, Mastropiero, Manfredi, Earl.
Facilities: Di Gennaro, Brattoli, Santamaria, Comitogianni, Patanella, Cavallone Caggianelli .
Coach: A. Tartaglia.
Protecting Falling Egg
Bold Cerignola - G & T Orta Nova 3-1
Bold Cerignola: Garbett, Martucci, Morra, Scelsi, Ceglie, Giannatempo, Pellegrini, Conte, Raffaele Russo, Binetti.
Available: Charcoal, Bove, Schiavone, Cinquepalmi, Merlicco, Borrelli, Renna.
Accompagnatore ufficiale: M.Lagrasta.
G&T Orta Nova: Roggia, Toscanelli, Lapenna, Ricciardi, Vece, Ingannamorte, Kwofie, Guglielmo, Demartino, Laurenzano(Iagulli), Marano(Ceglia).
A disposizione: Tucci, Ferrone.
Allenatore: M.Lionetti.
Arbitro: L.Latini di Foggia.
Seconda sconfitta consecutiva fuori casa per gli Allievi di Mr.Lionetti. In campo rientrano Ingannamorte, dopo il turno di squalifica e Marano al posto di Santoro.
Nonostante le grosse pozzaghere che impedirebbero il gioco in alcune parti del campo, la partita parte e la prima a rendersi pericolosa è proprio la formazione di casa. Viene pescato Binetti liberissimo; avrebbe tutto il tempo per controllare e lo fa, ma la conclusione non inquadra la porta. Ma questo è solo il preludio al gol che arriverà qualche minuto più tardi, anche se viziato dalla posizione irregolare dello stesso Binetti. Però la G&T dopo una decina di minuti si riscatta e Kwofie sfrutta un retropassaggio sbagliato dei due centrali gialloblu per dirigersi verso la porta e trafiggere Garbetta. Nei minuti successivi sono da registrare le occasioni di Kwofie e di Laurenzano che non vengono però sfruttate a dovere. E come spesso accade nel calcio: gol sbagliato, gol subito. Russo sfrutta una clamorosa incomprensione tra i centrali ortesi and kicks to the door of the Canal to 2-1. Of note is the failure to expel last man to do it for action by a professional rugby player Kwofie launched on the network. The first time it ends in an atmosphere quite tense because of repeated inappropriate behavior on both sides.
In the second village, the bench Gialloblu finally starts to calm down and return to play football, even if indeed the land of "Carapellese" is not entirely suited to a context, in view also the audacity Cerignola militancy in the league Excellence. However, returning to the field, the calm seems to return the sovereign, but the game is not riaccendeil race director calls a foul made by last man on Vece Russian and rightly warns striker for simulation. The changes a little stir on both sides of the situation than the other. Ceglia, which came in place of Marano, the protagonist of two actions to goals. The first sees him, stolen at the port of Garbett, miss a goal already in second place and the wrong shot, after missing two defenders. On the other hand the inclusion of pay Schiavone, however, because it is he who put in the goals of the final 3-1. Next week is the recovery effort against Sant'Onofrio to San Giovanni Rotondo. when
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Female Solo Masterbation

Hello People! We carry on this article verbatim, taken from the blog: SkywatcherCellardoor.
Who can participate in this conference, which I consider very useful to know more about the phenomenon of Scie-chimiche.Anche many other blogs, news report this as a big-Tam Tam.Io course I gladly, for it to be known by many people as possible.
Namaste everyone! And do not forget ... ... Watch the sky every now and then! Skywatcher.
Assosport Association for Culture is organizing the conference (about chemtrails) entitled
Chemistry from the sky ... terror on the earth?
military secrets and mysterious illnesses
Friday, February 25, 2011 at 21:00 in Desio (province of Monza and Brianza)
at the Sala Pertini, Piazza Don Giussani
Speakers: George
Pattera - biologist and journalist, vice president of Galileo
Corrado Penna - physical, independent researcher
Claudio Bianchini - accountant
-------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----
Below one of the strongest evidence that the contrails we see in our skies are not contrails: no Civil Air performs circular paths (and those assigned to military units too low because it can form contrails).
How do you flush the most of a chemical sprayed from a plane? Circling over the area to be sprayed and possibly flying at minimum speed as possible, just above the stall. Also check you are slow as most of these aircraft with the wake that followed often describe curved trajectories, circular, semicircular, U-turn: normal air traffic?
More photos and video of circular or curved trails can be found at these links: first and second .
Further evidence of the existence of chemtrails can be found in collections chemtrails planes.
First video: Circular and semicircular contrails in the sky over Oslo
Second video: Circular and semicircular contrails in the sky of Brescia
How To Microwave Canned Green Beans
Lucera Calcio - G & T Orta Nova 2-2
G & T Orta Nova: Di Benedetto, Monaco, Iannuzzi, Chirichiello, Raffaele Di Giorgio, Miluzio, Tortora (Bass), Mastropiero, Manfredi, Earl.
Facilities: Di Gennaro, Brattoli, Caggianelli, Comitogianni, Santamaria, Cavallone.
After ko inside with the Cosmo Sport, the group of young men with a Mr.Tartaglia captures an important point on the synthetic Lucera. Among the first eleven are reviewed by George who has served a three match ban.
The match started well for both teams, but the Lucera Calcio Torelli took the lead with one quarter of an hour and after the team scores the Swabian doubling on the counterattack. But the team is demoralized and orthosis does not try to raise the center of gravity. Action founded on a corner, here comes the 2-1: Monaco goes to Di Giorgio, but the ball ends up that sells a Miluzio Raffaele. And 'the player 1997 class to sign his second goal of the season.
The second village was opened as the first closed, then the G & T ahead of the curve. At 40 ', after a nice exchange between Conte and Tortora, it provides the means to Manfred, who coolly to bag a deserved draw. Despite the opportunities gained from either a part or the other, neither of the two formations can take the lead and the final result will be an important 2-2 key salvation for the orthosis. Next is the commitment behind leaders Bold Cerignola.
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G & T Orta Nova - Lucera Calcio 4-0
G & T Orta Nova: Roggia Gjokaj (Lapenna) Toscanelli, Ferrone, Vece, William, Laurenzano (Marano), Kwofie , Demartino (Ceglia) Ricciardi, Santoro (Iagulli).
Facilities: Tucci.
Coach: M. Lionetti.
Lucera Soccer Napolitano, Lionetti, Di Martino, Florio, Bruno Olivieri, Russian, Mountain, Palace, Ballet, Alfieri.
Facilities: Abruzzese A, Abruzzese F, Patella, Roda, Ciampelli.
Coach: R. Castellaneta.
Arbitro: D.Ambasciati di Foggia.
Dopo la buona prestazione di domenica scorsa contro la Cosmano Sport, gli Allievi di Mr.Lionetti si ripetono contro il Lucera Calcio, ma questa volta portano a casa i tre punti. Fuori per squalifica il capitano Ingannamorte e Perrotta, e in panchina Lapenna perché febbricitante, in campo vanno Gjokaj e Ferrone.
La partita comincia su ritmi discreti, ma ciò nonostante nessuna delle due squadre riesce a prevalere nei primi dieci minuti. Poi però la G&T prende in mano il gioco e cominicia a tessere delle trame di gioco molto convincenti. Al 20' circa è Laurenzano a servire un'ottima palla a Demartino; il centravanti ortese, solo davanti a Napolitano, controlla e calcia, ma il tiro colpisce il palo e poi termina la sua corsa a lato. Qualche minuto dopo è lo stesso Laurenzano a battere un calcio d'angolo: sulla palla arriva Toscanelli, ma non calcia bene il pallone che finisce fuori. Verso il 25' è ancora Demartino ad avere la palla del vantaggio, ma spreca a lato. Le azioni si susseguono sia da una parte che dall'altra, ma è sempre la squadra ortese a rendersi pericolosa: Ricciardi, quest'oggi capitano, mette un bel cross dalla sinistra; sulla sfera arriva Laurenzano che si coordina e colpisce al volo di piatto, ma la porta sembra stregata. Qualche minuto ed è lo stesso attaccante a provare nuovamente la via della rete, ma trova la grande opposizione del n.1 lucerino. Il Lucera Calcio, d'altro canto, fails to strike up dangerous actions and you can only see through the counterattacks and set pieces: it is just one of these Balletta that impacts the ball toward the door, but first Roggia Ferrone and then not allow the ball to enter. So the first part of the game ends 0-0.
In the second village is still the G & T to make the game well and go ahead on a penalty kick: the transformation is carried out by William, who displaces the crossing keeper to his left. After the goal the benefit, however, the boys seem to sit back and brace, thanks to the tiredness of some elements, the field takes Lucera. So he decided to do some Mr.Lionetti substitution: Santoro enters and exits Iagulli and 60 'is the time for Ceglia Demartino. And these are just two to sign the final 4-0. At 65 'long ball to Ricciardi about Iagulli, the two central Swabian messing neoentrato and steals the ball, flies to the door and beat on goal for his first goal of the season that's worth double. Enter the field and also Lapenna and Marano, the orthosis, not content with the result, raise the center of gravity and found two more goals, with two drums central ball of the foot Ceglia that signed the 3-0 and then a few minutes from the end also 4-0.
deserved victory for the boys orthoses that, despite two important absences and some ailment (Klose in the first place, ed), did their best and achieved a good result. Next engagement is the Bold Cerignola, now level on points.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Rocco's Big Mess Actress
G & T Orta Nova - Cosmo Sport 2-4
G & T Orta Nova : Di Benedetto, Monaco, Iannuzzi, Tortora, Raffaele, Chirichiello, Miluzio, Baccari (Brattoli) Manfredi, Conte, Bassano.
Facilities: Di Gennaro, Di Cillo, Cavallone Patanella, Taronna.
Coach: A. Tartaglia.
Referee: R. Roca of Foggia.
The game starts badly for the young of Mr.Tartaglia, who already suffer from the first minute of the 1-0 opponent. But slowly the Orthosis guys try to come out and unable to reach to balance: on the corner is Chirichiello to network, collecting the opponents rejected. A few minutes later, however, the formation of Foggia double free-kick and could shut down the game: in fact the third goal is achieved, but annulled by the director of competition for office at the goalkeeper. G & T is done under and at the end of the first half gets a penalty kick for a handball: Manfredi shows the floppy, but it wastes badly.
The second tranche will open with both teams who develop the game in midfield, but is still the Cosmo Sport and sign a free-kick to score the fourth goal. G & T with shorter Bassano. Next is the commitment Lucera Calcio.
Christening Messages In Cards
Cosmano Sport - G&T Orta Nova 2-0
G&T Orta Nova: Roggia, Kwofie, Lapenna, Ricciardi, Vece, Ingannamorte, Santoro(Klosi), Guglielmo, Demartino, Laurenzano, Perrotta.
A disposizione: Tucci, Gjokaj, Ceglia.
Allenatore: M.Lionetti.
Arbitro: B.Direse di Foggia.
Bella partita in quel di Foggia al campo "Opera Don Uva", dove la G&T Orta Nova è riuscita a mettere in difficoltà e a dare filo da torcere alla seconda in classifica, la Cosmano Sport.
Nella formazione iniziale, Kwofie al posto del febbricitante Toscanelli e Perrotta, seppur recuperato in extremis, al posto di Ceglia infortunato.
Nei primi dieci minuti è la formazione foggiana ad attaccare e a creare pericoli: su una percussione centrale è il centravanti a tirare, ma Roggia esce e arpiona la sfera. Poi la G&T prende il possesso della linea mediana e imbastisce un paio di belle azioni sulla destra: due triangolazioni tra Kwofie, Laurenzano e Santoro portano quest'ultimo a mettere due bei cross in mezzo, ma Demartino prima e Perrotta poi non riescono a tirarla dentro. Anche la formazione foggiana crea un paio di palle-gol, ma tutte quelle dirette verso lo specchio della porta, vengono parate da un impeccabile Roggia. Il primo tempo termina sullo 0-0.
La seconda frazione comincia a photocopy of the first, but this time the Cosmo Sport took the lead: the defense Ortese puts out a corner kick, but the captain is stationed out of the air foggiano Fierro controlling and kicking; Roggia not seen since the shooting, but also dives and touches, but do not just enough to completely divert the trajectory. It 's the advantage of Foggia. A few minutes earlier, however, G & T had the great opportunity to take the lead: ball ball to left-back Ortese Lapenna and had put in the middle to Perrotta who had bagged. But everything was done to stop the game because the referee had stopped the game for the output (nonexistent) the ball from the pitch. At about 60 'but also undergoes training Ortese the second goal, because of a pocketed for the No.11, shot on Canal which fails in the miracle. Mr.Lionetti, seeing the tired team, opting for a change: Klos to Santoro, the neoentrato that he makes the three in midfield with Ricciardi and William. But now the game does not give a lot of emotions: the team is tired and the team Mr.Lionetti Foggia you see only in glimpses. Despite the absence
and recoveries in extremis, today the team has performed really well in the field and has shown great ability in handling the ball. Now we await the return of injured and feverish to finish the best season. Next event is the Lucera Calcio.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Making Wood Rails For Pickup
San Severo - G & T Orta Nova 4-0
G & T Orta Nova: Di Benedetto (Di Gennaro), Brattoli, Santamaria (Caggianelli) Iannuzzi, Raffaele, Chirichiello, Manfredi (Taronna) Miluzio, Mastropiero (Patanella), Baccarat (Comitogianni), Conte (Cavallone).
Coach: A. Tartaglia.
The game starts up on a balanced pace, but the San Severo to become dangerous first. Gradually the home side takes up the center of gravity and more ground until around 15 'is not the lead taking advantage of a corner. La reazione ortese c'è e si concretizza con la punizione di Manfredi e con l'occasione di Conte, ma il n.1 sanseverese blocca entrambe senza problemi.
La seconda frazione, come al solito, si apre in salita ed è il San Severo a raddoppiare ancora su calcio piazzato. Su calcio da fermo anche il terzo gol. E poi arriverà anche il quarto gol, in una giornata disastrosa per tutta la squadra. In classifica i ragazzi di Mr.Tartaglia sono ancora sopra però la sconfitta di quest'oggi non ci voleva. Prossimo impegno contro la Cosmano Sport.
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G&T Orta Nova - G.Calcio Cerignola 7-0
G&T Orta Nova: Roggia(Tucci), Toscanelli, Lapenna, Ferrone, Vece, Ingannamorte, Klose, William Demartino (Santoro), Laurenzano, Perrotta (Ceglia).
Coach: M. Lionetti.
Referee: V. Curci of Foggia.
Return to victory within the walls (not too) friends of the "joy" of Carapelle. Given the absence of Kwofie, Marano, and Ricciardi Gjokaj, in the field from the first minute there Vece, who returns to reconcile with the central pair Ingannamorte; Ferrone still in midfield and in front of Perrotta returns.
The initial phase of the game are apathetic and full of errors by both teams, the G & T fails to take the reins of the match. But the feeling is che il gol è nell'aria e ad aprire le marcature ci pensa il solito, forse ritrovato, Perrotta, su assist di Lapenna. Poi tra 30' e 40' arrivano altri tre gol in rapida successione: Demartino segna il raddoppio e poi altri due gol di Perrotta, con assist di Klosi e Guglielmo.
La seconda frazione stranamente inizia un pò come la prima: la G&T fatica a tenere il pallino del gioco e infatti la G.Calcio Cerignola si farà sotto grazie ai contropiedi, ma Tucci, entrato al posto di Roggia, salverà in tutte le occasioni la porta e lascerà la rete inviolata. Nel frattempo entrano in campo anche Ceglia e Santoro e saranno proprio loro a segnare le altre reti. Ceglia segnerà il quinto gol ortese di giornata e Santoro il sesto. The seventh still bears the signature of Ceglia, which concludes on goal after a personal action. In the last minute of the game is Lapenna to fly away on the left and also discard the goalkeeper, but his conclusion will end on the pole, much to the regret of all. Beyond this result and the opposing team, bringing up the rear from the first day, it was important to win today to return home, but also restore confidence in the game, got lost somewhere. Next engagement is the Cosmo Sport.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Employment Agreement - Sales Manager

Hello People! It's been ten days since the last post, and is now taking over "the job"! I'm obviously kidding ... for me not a job, it is quite a pleasure to what I'm doing on Blue Skies I try to share my thoughts and my beliefs, helped a lot from the videos on the Web and from the valuable information, it retrieves from other sites. This time I want to talk about Intelligent Design. The title I came from a book I read in the 60's, whose title was indeed "our extraterrestrial friends." I was lent by a friend of mine, and I've always been curious how, knowledge, finished it in few days. It was the first thing I read sugli UFO, e siccome ho sempre creduto che noi non siamo soli nell'Universo, questo libro mi dette conferma delle mie convinzioni. Mi sono letto anche tutti i libri che trovavo su questo argomento, persino il famoso "Blue Book" pubblicato se non ricordo male, dalle Edizioni Mediterranee. E' un'argomento che mi ha sempre affascinato. Sapere che possono esistere altre intelligenze nell'Universo, differenti da noi, con un'altra cultura, un'altra Tecnologia, un'altra Spiritualità, mi conforta davvero e mi fa sentire meno solo, e più in sintonia con il "Tutto" di cui noi facciamo parte.Ora questa volta vi vorrei fare partècipi, di una straordinaria esperienza accaduta a un mio carissimo amico di Follonica, di cui chiaramente non farò name. The fact of the matter, it is a real "contact", both visual and emotional, which occurred in November 1978 or 79 (years later his memory does not remember exactly the exact year), however, there may be the difference of one year, not more. He (my friend) has agreed to publish his experience, and last night, I went to his house, and I did ... as a small personal interview, noting everything that was telling me. Among my friends, he is a very special person. We were at school together, then we are lost for many years because of various personal vicissitudes. We ended last year, and chatting, and being aware that I am Exopolitics and the UFO also, briefly told me one day last summer, his incredible story, now I want to propose in this post. I tell you a better framework for this person, who in his life he had three dreams very "special" that have marked it forever, and have remained etched in memory, one of them is very "particular", it is almost a "foresight" ... I will not speak of his dreams, I want to respect his privacy. But I have made a great impression. So now I will tell her "contact", making as if he were telling it to you, personally. In my opinion it is better for storytelling. So by now you realize that both he himself who speaks ...
"Avevo un'amico...molto Spirituale...di 10 anni più vecchio di me, che io consideravo come il mio Maestro. Lavoravamo insieme in una Azienda di Follonica. Era molto più minùto di me, con una incredibile Forza Spirituale che io percepivo chiaramente. Non era di Follonica ma abbiamo lavorato insieme per 5 anni. Aveva capacità telepatiche e chiaroveggenti, e certe volte non avevamo bisogno delle parole, per comunicare fra noi. Una sera di novembre del 78...79 adesso non ricordo l'anno esatto...andammo verso le 21.00...22.00, sulla spiaggia, tra l'Hotel Piccolo Mondo e la gelateria Pagni, come facevamo spesso insieme. Andavamo sulla spiaggia, e restavamo a contemplare il cielo stellato e il mare, senza parlare, assorti quasi in meditation. There was the moon that night, I was full, however, was very bright. It was to the north, between the island of Elba and Piombino, and allowed us to see the horizon over the water. That evening there was no one around, at least there were people I do not remember where we were. We had become close friends, and often three years, we went to the sea on the beach together. We are on the beach ... at some point I see a very strong light under the water, coming from the south tip of the island. (From Follonica is seen throughout the eastern part of the Elbe. RioMarina From Cable, Porto Azzurro, Capoliveri High Ripe and tip). A very strong light and moving ... but it was not blinking. She had gone under the water, but then approaching, I noticed that was out of the water. It all happened in seconds. The form of this "light" ... it was triangular, but not a triangle with the lines defined above had a dome in which there was a clear line at the top. Before the water came out, I saw that the submerged under the dome was much bigger, like an iceberg, which shows only a small fraction of its mass. He arrived with great speed to about 150 to 100 meters from the shore, always with an amazing brightness, and moving as if the light "ribollisse. I remember infused a feeling of extreme peace and immeasurable joy that I drunk it all. It was now before me. It was huge! At 100-150 meters, I looked great as the Hotel Piccolo Mondo, had come down to the shore, I was like a palace than 3 or 4 floors. I was about to enter the water dress. I was almost cursing to myself: "Come ... Come !!... I am here ... Come and get !!!...". I went into the water with his shoes and tried to get close to light ... I did not feel anything ... I was like out of this world ... it felt like nothing was happening around me ... I was so taken by that vision terrible, I did not think of anything else. Time stopped for me, I had no consciousness of anything ... then ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... seconds, the sense of time was difficult for me, the light silently as she had come , rose in the sky very quickly, and after a high-speed zig-zag, changed color and became red, splashing in the sky at an incredible speed, leaving a trail of red too. Then it became a red dot and disappeared from sight. I was like sorry I had not been taken. A sense of anguish almost there ... I was wrong ... But I was still a feeling of immeasurable peace and happiness I had felt when the light was coming. Only then I realized that I was not alone ... there was my friend who honestly do not know if he had seen and experienced the same things that I had lived in those moments. Then he came towards me and with a half smile, he said these exact words: "I've seen tonight ... what all the priests of the world ... would like to see !..."
Questa è la storia che mi ha raccontato, e che io ho riportato con le sue parole...Spero vi faccia riflettere. Ci sono moltissime persone nel mondo, che hanno vissuto queste "esperienze", e che magari non ne parlano per paura di essere presi per pazzi dalla famiglia o dagli amici o dai conoscenti. Ma questi fatti esistono e io ne sono profondamente convinto.Poi a voi il giudizio. Ognuno è libero di pensarla come vuole, non sono certo io che devo convincere nessuno...
Vi lascio con un'ultima "cosa" che è successa al mio amico in gioventù. Un bel giorno chissà per quale ragione, in casa, ha avuto come "l'impulso" di scrivere qualcosa...Ha preso carta e penna...e ha scritto dei versi...che lui ritiene to have been dictated by "someone" or "something" ... Also because he has never written anything before, never had the poetic ... ever. I made them read. He has not ever written anywhere ... He has impressed in his memoria.Questi are the verses: "I GAVE YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ... but I gave you 'cause you DESSI ... A PERSON WHO DOES NOT HA. I did not go 'cause you ... BUT I HAD' cause you gave it to ONE WHO DOES NOT '. " Then he wrote another that he seems even more strange, as if he had addressed to himself: "THE LORD GOD THE CHILD SA ... COMPLAINS 'BUT NOT' TO SAY ... IN THE SEWER Uzziah FISHERMAN ... (And here the writing was interrupted and he asked the meaning of these "verses") The next morning they made him listen to his friend, who promptly ended the verse with these words: "The child grew, and the fisherman dies ..." It 's my opinion, a clear example of "telescrittura" induced. Among other things, told me that he did not even "think" ... The cast has just written. If anyone thinks to interpret these words, so be it! I'm not a writer nor a scholar of it "telescrittura. I do not know what to say ...
And now I leave you to quit watching the video of Channel 8: whom I thank for the valuable work of translation that he did. And 'one of the last conference of the "contact" Alex Collier, very interesting. E ' January 2010, and he speaks of many things. His relations with the Andromedans and prospects for the next two years on this planet. Worth seeing! We also put two links in an interview with Alex Collier to make you understand a lot of interesting things, I'm sure! Enjoy! Hello to the next! Namaste to all. Skywatcher.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Games You Get Pregnant Online
G & T Orta Nova - G. Soccer Cerignola 2-1
G & T Orta Nova: Di Benedetto, Brattoli, Iannuzzi, Tortora, Raffaele, Chirichiello, Bassano (Comitogianni) Miluzio, Mastropiero, Baccari (Cavallone), Count.
Facilities: Di Gennaro, Di Cillo, Santamaria, Patanella, Taronna.
Coach: A. Tartaglia.
Referee: Peter M.di of Foggia. Back
winning the "joy" for the youngest of Mr.Tartaglia, flying the last though with some thrills, due not only to the result, but especially with the weather really prohibitive.
Absent the Monaco captain for fever and George by disqualification (the first of the three comminategli), the captain's armband goes to the arm Mastropiero.
The first half begins on rhythms rather bland, but the first to show up on the training orthosis and is obviously the goal will come during one of these raids: the author of marking is Mastropiero. Around 20 'will also double: Earl flies on the left, puts a nice ball in the middle, but a defender cerignola Mastropiero anticipates the ball back and between the feet of the same count that capitalize on the opportunity. E '2-0.
In the second fraction does not change the story. G & T is even more aggressive Youth, and in fact will Mastropiero other two clear scoring chances, but both fail.
And how many times it happens when the goals are wrong, then you suffer. Actually cerignolana the team, sly, slowly approaching the gate of Di Benedetto, also hitting the crossbar, up to score with two minutes remaining, taking advantage of a favorable and a slight rebound defensive uncertainty. But the outcome of the match will end 2-1. Next is the commitment San Severo.
Brasiliane Palpeggiate In Treno
Sant'Onofrio - G & T Orta Nova
postponed until a later date due to impracticability of the pitch.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
How Does Mia And Sofia Sound Together
OR: a small break to recover a little 'POWER! ... AND THE MUSIC' ENERGY !!...
Hi people !!... I'm sorry but after 37 post where I talked about trails and chemical drugs, Tesla, dolphins killed, massacres in Palestine, UFO sightings , water, medicines, free-energy and so on. etc.. I feel the need to take a little break ... and physical mentale.Permettetemi time to talk a little bit of my passion, and practical since I have opened my ears! The music indeed. I play since I was 12, the battery ... or rather ... I try! For me music is like the air I breathe. I need it every single day. E 'stronger than me! My musical journey began in the 60s with the Beatles, specifically with "Please Please Me", and then with all the other now well-known songs of the "Fab Four". Then came Jimi Hendrix, Cream, Genesis, Yes , Pink Floyd, Blood Sweat & Tears, Chicago, Rhythm and Blues, Black Sabbath, Frank Zappa, etc.. We will not list every night otherwise we do! However in my life and in my ears, is transited music of all genres and from all over the world. I like almost everything ... There are only three kinds we say ... I do not like much: Smooth, Folk and Country. I am not in my character. I can not do anything! Then the rest is fine: Classical, Jazz, Rock, Ethnic, Indian, Chinese, Funky, Electro, Avant-Garde, Experimental, Brazil and so on. In music I was always looking for new sounds, new rhythms, new harmonies. The texts I was never really interested. I am interested in music most of all ... the rest is optional. Then if the text is beautiful, Ok! So much the better. Now I want to offer the four artists who are my favorites ever. These are the four cardinal points of my home club. Then come all the other course, but these are the four that are in my heart, for what it is to send me an affinity with the way I "feel" la musica. Spero che vi piacciano! Qualcuno li conoscerà tutti ma forse qualcun'altro non saprà nemmeno chi sono. La scelta dei video è stata dura,perchè la loro produzione discografica è notevole. Spero che quelli che ho reperito su Youtube,gli unici rendano abbastanza l'idea di questi artisti. Buona visione!Scusate la "pausa"!Namastè a tutti. Skywatcher.
Vado a presentarvi i gruppi:
I"MAGMA" Si sono formati nel 1969 a Torino per opera di Christian Vander, loro fondatore e indiscusso leader, batterista,compositore autodidatta (ha composto tutte le musiche e i testi dei loro brani),nonchè cantante solista,e creatore di una language "alien" the Kobaia that it was necessary to pass, what with the French to his native language, would not have been possibile.Risiedono in Paris, where they also have their Label: http://www.seventhrecords. com / are still active after 40 years! Their last tour they did in the U.S. and Giappone.Sono known throughout Europe. In Italy their last appearance was in 1979 at the Palalido in Milan. Then problems with the organizers, Vander withdrew to Italy. I saw them live 4 times in France: two in Paris and two in Nice. Incredible! Must attend a concert to understand what it means pulling out of the primordial energy that is in every human being! The primo video è abbastanza recente.Il brano si chiama "The last seven minutes".Il secondo è un omaggio di Vander a Otis Redding,lo scomparso "Re del Soul".Il terzo è ancora il brano "Otis" ma del 1981 cantato in "Kobaiano".Il quarto è un vecchio brano dei Magma dal disco "Inedits":KMX B12. Micidiale!
"JOHN COLTRANE QUARTET" Parlare di Coltrane è (per who does not know of course ...) talk about spirituality without music. Unattainable, unfathomable, a "Giant" of the music. He has "revolutionized" the Jazz! It touched the highest peaks of musical, infusing a spiritual office ever reached by others before him. He opened a highway for all saxophonists in the world. He made the saxophone with what was previously unthinkable. His "Sheets of Sound" (sheets of sound) were memorable! Although the saxophone a monophonic instrument, he was able to "make it" in some way polyphony. Just listen to his "Interstellar Space" capire.Con him to three other teachers of their instrument: Mc. McCoy Tyner on piano, Jim Garrison on bass and Elvin Jones on drums (the raw power). In the first video there as "Guest Star" Even the great Eric Dolphy. The two songs are in order: "Impressions" and "Afro Blue".
"FRANK ZAPPA" Talk to Frank is an impossible task, given the amount of its production record! I will say just out of curiosity than his first album, 1968 "Freak Out!", Was the first album DOUBLE History record! Then we can say that he was a composer in primis.Così he preferred to be called. A Composer MOOLTO prolific! Keep up with him has been an economic ... especially ... Even six or seven albums in one year! Not to mention all the Bootlegs (pirated discs), an avalanche! Anyway ... great and innovative guitarist, singer histrionic , with a keen sense of humor. desecration of morals and self-righteous bigots of the 60's and beyond, conformist America. In spite of his "apparent" outrageous personality show in public and in the American media, has never been drugged ... even with the barrel of a weed! His brain was too much for him "precious", he needed it to be perfectly polished ... otherwise could not do his favorite activity: Dial!
There has unfortunately left prematurely to 51 years in 1993. I think now he's up there, and has already organized an "Angel Band" and you're still having fun like crazy! Thanks Frank for all that I (we) have given! The songs I chose are emblematic figure of Zappa: "Stinkfoot" (stinky socks), and "Black Napkins" (Handkerchiefs blacks).
I "GONG". The largest group "Caciarone" as some have called, of the 70's! Founded by "refugees" Australian Daevid Allen, who arrived in England in the 60s where he formed along with Mike Ratledge, Kevin Ayers and Robert Wyatt Soft Machine, psychedelic pioneer group, and initiator of the first Jazz-Rock Group of the History musicale.Daevid was the first ever "Freak" that had ever been seen on the face of this world! Be completely free and almost anarchist "at least pensiero.Quando you tell someone" Frikkettone, "we think of Daevid Allen! And 'he who started this current pensiero.Successe that after a tour in France with the Soft Machine, he was held back his passport, and so had to stay in Paris without being able to return to England. So it was that the GONG formed in 1968 with his wife Gilly Smith, a poet Inglese.La their music has many points in common with Eastern music, Indiana to be exact. Daevid has created a fictional planet, "Planet Gong." A green planet inhabited by strange characters that move with "Flying Teapot" and where it transmits on a particular frequency, a strange Radio: "Radio Gnome Invisible." Fascinating! have recorded in the 70's a trilogy that has been memorable in rock history: The Radio Gnome Trilogy. "Flying Teapot, Angel's Egg and You," these are the three titles which have consecrated the Gong.Ricordo that Daevid Allen has "started" the NEW WAVE much earlier than others with the disc, "New York Gong About Time." Legato still a lot to Australia and its Aboriginal culture, has written beautiful and spiritual songs in homage to his land. On You tube will not find much material on the Gong (almeno quelli con Daevid Allen),ma ci sono 6 video, che non ho potuto mettere nel post causa mancanza di codice di incorporamento,riferiti ad un concerto in TV del 1991.Da vedere.Bene vi lascio con un "Rap" recente dei GONG e con RADIO GNOME INVISIBLE.Buona visione!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
What Is The Lattice Enthalpy Of Calcium Chloride
Sant'Onofrio - G & T Orta Nova 1-2
G & T Orta Nova: Di Benedetto, Monaco, Iannuzzi, Santamaria (Patanella), Raffaele Di Giorgio, Cavallone (Brattoli) Chirichiello, Bassano, Manfredi, Tortora.
Facilities: Di Gennaro, Di Cillo, Comitogianni, Taronna.
Coach: A. Tartaglia.
Mr.Tartaglia the youngest of three very important points for the win against Sant'Onofrio salvation. Today's game, played on the "Ground" A lot of nice emotions. G & T, presentatasi with some important absences, including those of Count and Mastropiero, is already a quarter of an hour below. The network of 1-0 comes from a corner and 20 'on it is the home team to manage the game. The first half ends with the advantage del Sant'Onofrio.
La seconda frazione vede due cambi: Brattoli per Cavallone e dopo qualche minuto Patanella per Santamaria. Le cose non mutano, ma con l'espulsione di Di Giorgio, a parere di tutti un pò ingiusta, viene tutto rivoluzionato. La G&T, in dieci, riesce prima a pareggiare i conti con un'azione manovrata: Manfredi mette la palla in profondità per Bassano che calcia a rete per l'1-1. E in pieno recupero arriva il gol del sorpasso-beffa: Bassano la dà filtrante per Monaco che insacca e mette fine ai giochi. Prossimo impegno è il fanalino di coda Gioventù Calcio Cerignola.
Anniversary Card Sayings
G&T Orta Nova - San Pio X Lucera 1-3
G&T Orta Nova: Roggia, Gjokaj, Lapenna, Ferrone(Vece), Ricciardi, Ingannamorte, Marano, Klosi, Santoro, Demartino, Kwofie.
A disposizione: Tucci, Guglielmo.
Allenatore: M.Lionetti.
Arbitro: A.Tartaglia di Foggia.
Purtroppo al "Di Gioio", che dovrebbe essere lo stadio di casa, non si fa praticamente mai bottino pieno e lo testimonia anche la partita di quest'oggi. Come scuse si possono presentare la panchina cortissima, con il solo Vece, appena rientrato da un'infortunio, l'indisponibilità di molti ragazzi causa influenza, però purtroppo quest'oggi la cosa che è mancata veramente è stata la poca cinicità in attack.
Mr.Lionetti For mandatory choices: defense with three Gjokaj, and Ingannamorte Lapenna; in midfield Ferrone, Ricciardi and Klose, on the outside and Marano Kwofie; front Demartino and Santoro.
The game starts well for the boys orthoses: to 2 'deep for better ball Kwofie pulling, but the result is zero. Then after a few minutes Santoro is to have the opportunity to take the lead, but wasted badly hurt by calibrating the lob. Despite the fair amount of game created by G & T, is the St. Pius X took the lead: the No.7 Ardore, before you reject the conclusion by Canal and then concludes in the network on riveted. At 30 'there is even a guest on the double punishment. E se il primo gol è sembrato una doccia fredda, il secondo ha contribuito a scaldare un pò gli animi.
Il secondo tempo va sulla stessa lunghezza d'onda della prima frazione, con la G&T che ha in mano il gioco, ma che non riesce a concretizzare e spreca tantissimo. Da segnalare la traversa di Demartino, la grande parata del n.1 lucerino sul tiro di Santoro e ancora l'occasione di Lapenna sulla ribattuta. Il gol arriva al 70' circa su percussione di Klosi, che, scartati due difensori ospiti, si dirige verso la porta avversaria e trafigge la rete in diagonale. Ma la gioia per l'1-2 è breve perché su contropiede Forgione insacca per l'1-3 definitivo. Gli ultimi sforzi per cercare di riaprire la gara sono vani e il risultato non will change more.
is positive is that the team has nevertheless sought fi handle the ball, playing it, to attack, despite the poor results. And these are precisely the negative side of playing today. Next is the commitment of hell Sant'Onofrio Massa B.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Memorial Verses For Wife 1st Years Death

Nuclear power is 'stuff PREHISTORIC! ... AND' Good to know.

Hello people! As you can see the photo I chose to open this post, it is very significativa.Il our beloved planet, (loved by the common people, not by corporations or politicians ...) is on the brink of this fine.Inquinato to death petroleum and its derivatives, the plastic in the first place ... that are choking relentlessly, and are destroying forms of life in the oceans and on land, (or there siamo dimenticati quello che è successo nel Golfo del Messico?...) e pure nell'aria che tutti respiriamo.Ora due settimane fa, sul sito di Italiani Imbecilli un post datato 25 Dicembre: ha scatenato una nutrita risposta da parte dei suoi lettori, sulla vicenda dello (non proprio "neutrale") spot sul Nucleare,promosso dal Forum Nucleare Italiano ,di cui vi riporto il link del blog: Anche nel nome del blog del Forum Nucleare Italiano, c'è una “sottigliezza”...Clear in Inglese significa:chiaro,limpido,trasparente.Newclear significa letteralmente “Nuova chiarezza,nuova limpidezza,nuova trasparenza...” però la sua pronuncia ha una chiara assonanza con la pronuncia della parola “nucleare” in Inglese:”Nucliar”!Quindi è chiara l'intenzione di indirizzare la percezione comune delle persone, che il Nucleare, è cosa utile, buona, e non rischiosa...Ora il fatto è, che gli Italiani nel 1987 si espressero contro il Nucleare, con un referendum che raggiunse ben il 65% dei voti contro questa forma di energia.Punto.Non riesco a capire cosa è cambiato da allora.Perchè mai dobbiamo ritornarci ancora sopra.Forse oggi siamo più sicuri rispetto al 1986, anno della tragedia di Cernobyl?Non credo proprio!..Anzi ho fatto vedere nel mio post sul nucleare,che i problemi sia degli incidenti, sia delle scorie radioattive, ci sono ancora, se non addirittura sono peggiorati, basta vedere i casi successi in questi anni, che ci vengono nascosti dall'informazione, o non vengono messi nel giusto rilievo, dai media Istituzionali che avrebbero il compito di informarci correttamente.Quindi le notizie bisogna che ce le cerchiamo da noi,in Rete,facendo ricerca e valutando bene quello che troviamo.Ma poi mi chiedo...abbiamo veramente una necessità “vitale” di tutta questa energia, nel mondo? Certo se vivessimo o cercassimo di vivere il più possibile,in maniera “Naturale” come ancora fanno certe popolazioni che il mondo “civilizzato” definisce wild, we would not need to "consume" all this energy! reflect for a moment on this: Aboriginal Australians, the Indians of the Amazon, most of the African peoples, the Maori of New Zealand, we also put the Eskimos ... the Amish of Pennsylvania in America, do not really need to have all the comforts that we noi.Pensate how many "devilish" and electronic technology ... If we did the whole list, not just me 10 posts! Yet they live the same! .. I'm not stressed out like us, and especially do not create pollution, and in so doing "really respected" the Natura.Vi seems little? Now I do not want to say that this should go back too ... 'I like everyone else, I live in my time ... but we should pause for a moment, and try to eliminate some wrong ways of understanding the so-called "progress." We should preserve what we have today in the best manner possible, by withdrawing the superfluous and unnecessary things. Today there is much talk of "Degrowth." Has anyone realized that we really got to the bottom of the barrel, and more so you can not go yet use.The industrialists and politicians in the world, use ad nauseum, words that are now become empty: DEVELOPMENT, GROWTH, COMPETITIVENESS '! We have a surplus of products of all kinds which remain unsold, because people do not have the money to supermarkets acquistarli.Abbiamo forced to throw ... (just throw ..) every day, tons and tons of expired food because of hunger in the face ... are we really kidding !!... mondo.Ma products are built on time , which last 3 years or so, and then throw it away and buy back of nuovi.Escono burst out new products, and those built the first 6 months old and already has obsoleti.Questo consumerism, and frankly I do not like it Now ask ourselves: why did we reach this point? To earn the multinationals and a handful of people in the world? .. so we are nothing but cows and we are already mungere.Nasciamo Consumer Affairs! Since babies need ... stop " consume waste ! should instead " preserve, conserve, conserve, recycle, protect " This is the only solution that will save us ... there are no other ... And that is why in the world , the energy demand is increasing: The way of life that we have returned to the Nuclear creato.Ora ... there are alternatives, not harmful, safe and cheap? sì.Esiste and I believe right is ascertained, a type of energy that has these characteristics, the so-called FREE-ENERGY.L 'energy "free." And now that it is free, is already doomed! Freedom means that "in theory ..." All I can usufruire.Niente managers, no contracts, no bills! Fiction! .. But not so, if you inform us bene.Quando we speak of free-energy can not help but mention one of the greatest "Geniuses" all tempi.L ' man who literally "invented" the twentieth century: Nikola Tesla . Born in the night between 9 and 10 July 1856 in the small village of Smiljan, on the border between Serbia and Croatia, during a storm accompanied by thunder and lightning (it was his destiny !...). not you do the history of this wonderful person ... (you can find information on the Internet) would be too long ... I only say that has been compared to Leonardo da Vinci! It 'was a contemporary of many great scientists including Einstein.Parlava correntemente 9 lingue!E ha “rivoluzionato” con le sue scoperte il mondo.Ben 700 brevetti!Se oggi abbiamo tutte le comodità di cui parlavo prima.lo dobbiamo a lui.E la maggior parte delle persone non sa nemmeno chi sia!!Tra le sue invenzioni, le più famose sono: la radio,(Marconi è arrivato 2 anni dopo...)la sua famosa bobina ad alta frequenza,il motore a induzione e polifase,i tubi al neon,il telecomando,il sistema wireless,il tubo catodico,l'alternatore,l'inizio dell'utilizzo dei raggi X per la medicina e la “Corrente elettrica alternata” che è in uso in tutto il mondo!Penso basti per riconoscere che siamo al cospetto di un genio!La frase che più mi ha colpito uscita dalla bocca di Tesla è: "Science is nothing but a perversion if it has as its ultimate goal, the improvement of humanity" What thoughts! What a truly "human" is lived in our century! And it was "deliberately" thrown forgotten Storia.Quando of the banker JP Morgan knew what "really" had in mind to make Tesla, with its Wardenclyffe Tower in Long Island, near New York, or "transmit wireless energy drawn from the 'ether' ( a word coined by Tesla is the first thing I did not know existed), FREE! Tesla became a danger to those who wanted to gain with his inventions, first of all just started from there JPMorgan.E problemi.Vi his invitation to find the film a masterpiece by Kristo Papic on Tesla's life, seeing him understand tutto.La story ended up like all (more or less. ..) sappiamo.Morì between 5 and 8 January (the exact date is uncertain) 1943 poor in a small hotel in New York, the New Yorker. "After his death all his notes, projects and written several were promptly "requirements" by the FBI and placed under TOP SECRET.Cercate internet projects after years of his death were made possible by his discoveries: Haarp, Philadelphia Experiment, construction of the radar, electromagnetic weapons, Hutchinson Effect Engines, energy Ground Zero, mental manipulation etc.This are (some really nasty ...) applications of its studi.Avrei could write much more about Nikola Tesla, but I'll leave you and your (if you have of course ...) curiosity the satisfaction of knowing more about this Genio.Mi Tesla in 1931 ... I forgot ... well you understand the date! ... He made a car travel Pierce-Arrow Model of the day, on which he had installed an electric motor. .. of 80 hp., just "taking" the energy from an antenna mounted on the machine, without using batteries or fuel social! I have put the photo of the car, and the new one, an all-electric Roadster in production for about 2 years, by Tesla Motors in California.
Ci sono poi 7 video vari, da cui potrete capire che la Free-Energy è realizzabile.I primi due parlano della Fusione Fredda messa a punto in Italia a Frascati dall'ENEA, del cui Rapporto 41 nessuno parla più.C'è poi un video di un motore a Energia a punto Zero costruito da uno scienziato Turco:Muammer Yildiz, e presentato in una conferenza di altri scienziati in Olanda.Poi c'è un video che riguarda il futuro dell'Energia Eolica:il MAGLEV- WIND-TURBINE, un generatore che funziona su un cuscino magnetico,a cui stanno collaborando Americani e Giapponesi.Gli altri video parlano dell'effetto Hutchinson e della ANTI-GRAVITAZIONE che sembra sia una tecnologia già Member Uniti.Infine I have included some interesting motorcycle links on this topic, including another Italian invention all that is kept hidden from massa.Penso that is enough for today! Then if they come back to in another post, perhaps novità.Namastè if they come out at all! ... AND ENJOY! Skywatcher.
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