Hello People! It's been ten days since the last post, and is now taking over "the job"! I'm obviously kidding ... for me not a job, it is quite a pleasure to what I'm doing on Blue Skies I try to share my thoughts and my beliefs, helped a lot from the videos on the Web and from the valuable information, it retrieves from other sites. This time I want to talk about Intelligent Design. The title I came from a book I read in the 60's, whose title was indeed "our extraterrestrial friends." I was lent by a friend of mine, and I've always been curious how, knowledge, finished it in few days. It was the first thing I read sugli UFO, e siccome ho sempre creduto che noi non siamo soli nell'Universo, questo libro mi dette conferma delle mie convinzioni. Mi sono letto anche tutti i libri che trovavo su questo argomento, persino il famoso "Blue Book" pubblicato se non ricordo male, dalle Edizioni Mediterranee. E' un'argomento che mi ha sempre affascinato. Sapere che possono esistere altre intelligenze nell'Universo, differenti da noi, con un'altra cultura, un'altra Tecnologia, un'altra Spiritualità, mi conforta davvero e mi fa sentire meno solo, e più in sintonia con il "Tutto" di cui noi facciamo parte.Ora questa volta vi vorrei fare partècipi, di una straordinaria esperienza accaduta a un mio carissimo amico di Follonica, di cui chiaramente non farò name. The fact of the matter, it is a real "contact", both visual and emotional, which occurred in November 1978 or 79 (years later his memory does not remember exactly the exact year), however, there may be the difference of one year, not more. He (my friend) has agreed to publish his experience, and last night, I went to his house, and I did ... as a small personal interview, noting everything that was telling me. Among my friends, he is a very special person. We were at school together, then we are lost for many years because of various personal vicissitudes. We ended last year, and chatting, and being aware that I am Exopolitics and the UFO also, briefly told me one day last summer, his incredible story, now I want to propose in this post. I tell you a better framework for this person, who in his life he had three dreams very "special" that have marked it forever, and have remained etched in memory, one of them is very "particular", it is almost a "foresight" ... I will not speak of his dreams, I want to respect his privacy. But I have made a great impression. So now I will tell her "contact", making as if he were telling it to you, personally. In my opinion it is better for storytelling. So by now you realize that both he himself who speaks ...
"Avevo un'amico...molto Spirituale...di 10 anni più vecchio di me, che io consideravo come il mio Maestro. Lavoravamo insieme in una Azienda di Follonica. Era molto più minùto di me, fisicamente...ma con una incredibile Forza Spirituale che io percepivo chiaramente. Non era di Follonica ma abbiamo lavorato insieme per 5 anni. Aveva capacità telepatiche e chiaroveggenti, e certe volte non avevamo bisogno delle parole, per comunicare fra noi. Una sera di novembre del 78...79 adesso non ricordo l'anno esatto...andammo verso le 21.00...22.00, sulla spiaggia, tra l'Hotel Piccolo Mondo e la gelateria Pagni, come facevamo spesso insieme. Andavamo sulla spiaggia, e restavamo a contemplare il cielo stellato e il mare, senza parlare, assorti quasi in meditation. There was the moon that night, I was full, however, was very bright. It was to the north, between the island of Elba and Piombino, and allowed us to see the horizon over the water. That evening there was no one around, at least there were people I do not remember where we were. We had become close friends, and often three years, we went to the sea on the beach together. We are on the beach ... at some point I see a very strong light under the water, coming from the south tip of the island. (From Follonica is seen throughout the eastern part of the Elbe. RioMarina From Cable, Porto Azzurro, Capoliveri High Ripe and tip). A very strong light and moving ... but it was not blinking. She had gone under the water, but then approaching, I noticed that was out of the water. It all happened in seconds. The form of this "light" ... it was triangular, but not a triangle with the lines defined above had a dome in which there was a clear line at the top. Before the water came out, I saw that the submerged under the dome was much bigger, like an iceberg, which shows only a small fraction of its mass. He arrived with great speed to about 150 to 100 meters from the shore, always with an amazing brightness, and moving as if the light "ribollisse. I remember infused a feeling of extreme peace and immeasurable joy that I drunk it all. It was now before me. It was huge! At 100-150 meters, I looked great as the Hotel Piccolo Mondo, had come down to the shore, I was like a palace than 3 or 4 floors. I was about to enter the water dress. I was almost cursing to myself: "Come ... Come !!... I am here ... Come and get !!!...". I went into the water with his shoes and tried to get close to light ... I did not feel anything ... I was like out of this world ... it felt like nothing was happening around me ... I was so taken by that vision terrible, I did not think of anything else. Time stopped for me, I had no consciousness of anything ... then ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... seconds, the sense of time was difficult for me, the light silently as she had come , rose in the sky very quickly, and after a high-speed zig-zag, changed color and became red, splashing in the sky at an incredible speed, leaving a trail of red too. Then it became a red dot and disappeared from sight. I was like sorry I had not been taken. A sense of anguish almost there ... I was wrong ... But I was still a feeling of immeasurable peace and happiness I had felt when the light was coming. Only then I realized that I was not alone ... there was my friend who honestly do not know if he had seen and experienced the same things that I had lived in those moments. Then he came towards me and with a half smile, he said these exact words: "I've seen tonight ... what all the priests of the world ... would like to see !..."
Questa è la storia che mi ha raccontato, e che io ho riportato con le sue parole...Spero vi faccia riflettere. Ci sono moltissime persone nel mondo, che hanno vissuto queste "esperienze", e che magari non ne parlano per paura di essere presi per pazzi dalla famiglia o dagli amici o dai conoscenti. Ma questi fatti esistono e io ne sono profondamente convinto.Poi a voi il giudizio. Ognuno è libero di pensarla come vuole, non sono certo io che devo convincere nessuno...
Vi lascio con un'ultima "cosa" che è successa al mio amico in gioventù. Un bel giorno chissà per quale ragione, in casa, ha avuto come "l'impulso" di scrivere qualcosa...Ha preso carta e penna...e ha scritto dei versi...che lui ritiene to have been dictated by "someone" or "something" ... Also because he has never written anything before, never had the poetic ... ever. I made them read. He has not ever written anywhere ... He has impressed in his memoria.Questi are the verses: "I GAVE YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ... but I gave you 'cause you DESSI ... A PERSON WHO DOES NOT HA. I did not go 'cause you ... BUT I HAD' cause you gave it to ONE WHO DOES NOT '. " Then he wrote another that he seems even more strange, as if he had addressed to himself: "THE LORD GOD THE CHILD SA ... COMPLAINS 'BUT NOT' TO SAY ... IN THE SEWER Uzziah FISHERMAN ... (And here the writing was interrupted and he asked the meaning of these "verses") The next morning they made him listen to his friend, who promptly ended the verse with these words: "The child grew, and the fisherman dies ..." It 's my opinion, a clear example of "telescrittura" induced. Among other things, told me that he did not even "think" ... The cast has just written. If anyone thinks to interpret these words, so be it! I'm not a writer nor a scholar of it "telescrittura. I do not know what to say ...
And now I leave you to quit watching the video of Channel 8: http://www.youtube.com/user/IsabelSoul whom I thank for the valuable work of translation that he did. And 'one of the last conference of the "contact" Alex Collier, very interesting. E ' January 2010, and he speaks of many things. His relations with the Andromedans and prospects for the next two years on this planet. Worth seeing! We also put two links in an interview with Alex Collier to make you understand a lot of interesting things, I'm sure! Enjoy! Hello to the next! Namaste to all. Skywatcher.
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